Chapter 34

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Sunday POV

I was currently getting ready for tonight. Louis’ invite is just a few hours away. I’m finally going to meet his new friends, and see how he’s doing. You could always give him a ring or I don’t know answer his calls if wanted to know so badly. My mind and I have been going to war since my decision of being Hunter’s girlfriend. I truly am happy with my decision but every time we kiss or he tells me that I’m beautiful this pang of guilt comes in. And the more time I spend with him, the stronger the pang gets.

“Are you ready for tonight?” Kayla asked as she turns on the telly. She was a little disappointed about not coming and so was I but Louis said they were orders.

“Yea” I was going to say more until I received a text.

Harry’s sister was unable to come. He said that he could take in Kayla, is that ok?

Ok so I know one thing for sure this Harry guy is really nice. I texted him back saying that it was fine.

“Hey Kay you want come with me?” Kayla turned around frowning.

“I thought I couldn’t” She sat up her head tilted to one side. She looked like a toddler.

“Well something happened with one of the boys guest and he said that you could come under his name.” I smiled.

“Oh my god, really? Wow that’s great. Who’s the guy so when I see him I give him a big hug” Kayla was so giddy to the fact that she was going she tripped on her own feet.

“Oww that hurt.” I rolled my eyes and helped her up.

“It was Harry, his sister couldn’t make it.” I said as I brushed the dust off her.

“Oh, well I’m going to have to say thanks” She left to get ready. I sat down on the couch and waited for her. I walked up to the door as I heard it knock.

“Hey Sunday” Hunter greeted me with a kiss on my cheeks. One side of my heart was up in sparks while the other was going through a beating. How long will it be till I no longer feel this way?

“Hey, what’s up?” I smiled.

“I just wanted to see you before you left.” His blue eyes were sparkling. He wasn’t lying when he said that he had strong feelings for me. I could see it in his eyes, in his smile and I hear it in his words. I feel horrible knowing that I can’t give him what he wanted from me.

“Oh hey Hunter” Kayla came out with her purse on her shoulders. She grabbed the keys and I stepped out.

“Hey Kayla, how are you doing?” He smiled. And of course he was still his caring self.

“I’m good,” She smiled back. Hunter followed we made our way to the car. He told me the usual that I should be safe and call if anything happens and also to have fun.

“He’s too sweet Sunday.” Kayla giggled. She was smitten by Hunter when we all went to lunch. “Did you tell Louis about him yet?”

“Umm no…not exactly” I turn my attention to the car window.

“Oh, I see” Silence filled the car. I knew that Kayla wasn’t so happy with my decision. But I know that she will understand soon.

We reached the X-Factor auditorium. We had to go to the backstage and told them our names. When they found our names, they let us through. I texted Louis that we arrived and he texted back where their dressing rooms were.

We followed the instructions and made it to the door. A sign taped ‘One Direction’ on the door. I knocked and waited for an answer.

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