Chapter 37

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Sunday’s POV

“So how is it?” Hunter asked as he brought two cups of tea. I’m reading his essay that is due for next week. It’s typical for us to look over each other’s work, I read over his while he reads over mine.

“It’s really good. Just a few spelling mistakes but I fixed them.” He gave me my cup and kissed my forehead.

“I’m telling you babe, spelling is going to be the death of me” It’s true though Hunter is the worst when it comes to spelling. And I mean absolute worst. I usually tease him about it.

“I know, but let’s not focus on that the essay is good.” I say cuddling into his arms.

“Oh I forgot to ask you. How was the visit to your friend from X-Factor?” My heart skips a beat a little. I guess I still feel a little guilty about the whole thing. But how Louis became understanding and was more worried about how I felt really touched my heart. I’m really lucky to have him in my life.

“Oh it went really well.” He smiled and nodded then went back to his work. All night I was thinking about the deal that Louis made. At first I wondered why we didn’t think of it before. It was fair and really simple, but what I couldn’t stop thinking about is if I would ever fall in love with Louis.

I guess a few months back I thought I could. I thought I was in love with him, in love with his smile, his laugh, his eyes, and most importantly his heart. But now my feelings are too jumbled up, especially when two people are involved, two amazing beautiful people.

I stop my mind from going on as I feel guilty that I’m having these thoughts right beside Hunter. Who has been nothing but an angel to me, I guess now I realize that he was a good choice. If Louis and I were meant to be, then we’ll find our way to each other.

“Alright babe, I need to go. I’ll be back later” He gave me a sweet kiss.

“Ok, I’ll see you then”

After Hunter left, I went for a walk since there was nothing to do in the dorm. I walked around the shops even going in some of them. I was in the town square when I saw someone familiar.


He turned around and smiled. “Hey Sunday”

“What are you doing around here?” The X-Factor houses were quite far from here. So seeing him was quite the surprise.

“I wanted to get out and this café has the best tea” He grinned.

“Oh I see, are you here with Louis?” I nodded at him to walk with me.

“Oh no he’s back at the house.” He sipped his tea. “I just wanted to apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable last night”

“Oh it’s ok Liam you didn’t know. It’s just Louis weird way of protecting me from you guys. And I don’t understand why because you guys are very sweet.” I chuckled.

“Oh thank you, but don’t get fooled easily were complete idiots.” He shakes his head.

“Oh I know. I’m friends with the biggest one of all” We continue walking around the town square.

“So how long have you known Louis?” Liam asked.

“Our mums are best friends so we’ve technically known each other since birth” I say as we turn and walk towards the park.

“Oh so you knew him for a really long time.” Liam sighed.

“Umm well we’ve gotten closer in the past few months.” I said as we found a park bench to sit on.

“Oh why is that?”

“Uh we really didn’t get along, until our parents kind of forced it upon us” Liam seemed confused.

But if he was confused he let it go “Oh”

“Sunday have you ever had romantic feelings for Louis” Or not.

“Umm I don’t know” This just got weird and uncomfortable. Why is Liam so interested anyways?

“You don’t know” He said not convinced.

“Ok maybe a little…why?” Liam focused on the cup he was holding, almost as if he didn’t know I was here.

“Were they strong feelings?” Why did this matter to him?

“Liam what’s wrong? Did Louis say something?” He sighed and looked up at me.

“Did you ever think…you know what never mind I’m meddling. This isn’t my business it’s Louis’ and yours.  I’m sorry” He let out a long sigh.

“Liam why were you asking those questions,” I was puzzled. Even though I don’t know Liam that well he didn’t seem the type to go into others businesses.

“What did you say to Louis last night?” Last night? Did something happen?

“I can’t say, why?” He hesitated before speaking.

“After last night Louis didn’t look so happy. And well he came to this decision and well…I shouldn’t be talking about this” He shook his head.

“What happened after I left Liam?” I put my arm onto his shoulder. His head was in his hands. Whatever happened is stressing him out.

“It’s nothing major if that’s what you’re getting at” He pulled his head up. I sighed of relief Liam worried me. I was going to say something but I could tell that Liam didn’t want this to go on.

“Are you happy with him?” Liam said after a while of silence.

“With who?”

“With your boyfriend?” I was confused as to why this was of Liam’s concern.


“Happier than you are with Louis?” Louis told them something. Something I don’t even know about.

“What did Louis tell you Liam?”

“Just answer the question Sunday”

“Yes” He nodded and proceeded to get up.

“That’s all that matters right? That you’re happy…I have to go, I’ll see you around” He left without letting me ask any more questions or utter a goodbye.

What happened back there was quite odd. Yet as I walk back to the dorms Liam’s last words kept haunting me. That’s all that matters right...That you’re happy.  Am I happy? Of course I am…Louis is a wonderful friend and that’s all he is to me a friend. Hunter is who I love, not Louis.

At least that’s what I tell myself.


Hey guys thanks for reading, sorry if these chapters are gettin a little boring. I've been losing some motivation but it'll come back don't worry. 

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Bye <3

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