Chapter 66

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Sunday's POV

Let me tell you something planning for a wedding is not as easy as it looks. After Louis proposed which is still so surreal for me, we decided to get married right away. The main reason is because Louis wanted to get married before going on tour and that's starting in a few months. So here I am with my wedding planner that Louis got for me alongside my mum and Kayla looking at flower arrangements. We thought we handle the less hard ones first. Boy was that a mistake.

"I really think this is nice" My mum pulls out the picture of the red and white roses in one bouquet.

"Mum that's my bouquet arrangement" Why didn't anyone tell me that planning a wedding is so stressful? Good lord I have been here for two hours talking about flowers.

"Mina please show the centerpiece's to my mother" Mina has been a wonderful wedding planner she's patient, kind and reasonable just the person I need for this sort of thing. Louis knows me so well.

"So it's between soft pink peonies with mint accents or soft lilac peonies with mint accents." Mina showed my mother who immediately put on her glasses.

"Please help me mum...I don't know what to do" I whimper this is so stressful. I'm now terrified to look for my dress. Have I always been this indecisive?

"Oh this is a tough one." My mum kept glancing between the two centerpieces. "What did Kayla say?"

Kayla who is now immersed with other flower pieces was far off into the back of the shop. "She said the purple one..."

"Hmm I think she's right it looks more organized. The pink is cute but not you." I looked at the pictures again. She's right the way the arranged it is just the look I'm going for sweet and elegant.

"Then it's settled we're going for the soft purple" I smile at Mina.

"Great!" she smiled grabbing the picture. "I'll go talk to the florist."

Soon after Mina left Kayla came around the table. "Did we choose yet?"

"Yup the purple one."

"Oh yay!" Kayla clapped happily. "I really liked that one."

"Oh god I still can't believe that were planning your wedding." Mum shook her head in disbelief. "Are you sure you don't want to wait a little?"

"Positive, Louis wants to be a married man once the tour starts and I think we've been waiting long enough. Aren't you the one who arranged us? Are you getting cold feet mum?"

"It's true at first I wanted you guys to get married as soon as possible but it's just so overwhelming now because it real and its happening. I just can't contain it all" Tears almost threaten to spill over. I hate when this happens because I become emotional wreck and then soon it's like Niagara Falls.

"I still can't wrap my mind around it" Kayla confesses.

I remember when I and Louis planned to tell everyone the news. We wanted to wait for at least a week before we told them. The first was our parents, we were having a dinner and out of all Louis' sisters was the only one who already knew was Lottie since she helped in picking out the ring. It was right into dessert and everyone was seated having some small conversation.

"Can we have everyone's attention please?" The room was silent at Louis command. "I and Sunday have announcement we'd like to make"

I could tell in my mum's eyes that she looked nervous. I mean to be fair our previous announcements were always against the arrangement and well never really pleasant. But she's in for surprise.

"We're getting married!" I say flashing out my ring that I just put while Louis was speaking.

"AAAHH!" Both our mothers squealed spilling their coffee everywhere. I couldn't help but laugh as they both jump up and down. My dad was the first to come up and give me a hug.

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