Chapter 15

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So I'm doing this dedication spree thing, so all my folllowers are getting dedications even the ones who already gotten one...

Sunday’s POV

The past weeks have been hectic with all the projects and essays I’ve been cooped up inside my dorm with my laptop. On top of that I was trying to avoid Rimmie and I think vice versa, I haven’t been to his dorm in weeks, Kay doesn’t go there much either but I know she wants to, mainly because of William. On top of that I’m getting calls from my mother about her planning a little meet up to visit me and Louis and by the tone of her voice she’s expecting some major differences between me and Louis, and by differences I mean like we should be holding hands by now. Speaking of Louis me and him haven’t talked for a good month we texted each other once but that was it, I guess we both have been busy.

I placed my bag by my dresser and hoped onto the bed, and immediately turned on my laptop. This week we’re learning about the writing styles of the Shakespearean era, and since we’re doing Romeo and Juliet I have to do an essay about who’s responsible for their death. And if you read the play you would know that it’s their own damn fault. Leonardo DiCaprio may make it look good on the screen but on paper it’s just plain stupid, either that or I just don’t get romance.

I was about to start on my paper when someone knocked on my door. I walked up to the door wondering who it is, probably Kayla she’s been forgetting her key lately this week.

“Forgot your key again Ka- Oh, um” I was a little startled because in front of me was Rimmie. Just like last time my heart started to beat a little too fast for my taste.

“Um Rimmie what are you doing here?” I asked shying away from the door; I wasn’t quite ready for whatever was going to come out of his mouth.

“Look Sunday we need to talk, can I come in?” I cringed when he called me Sunday again knowing that things might get ugly again. But I still nodded for him to come inside whatever he needed to say he might as well say it now.

He walked in the dorm room and sat across from my bed. Last time he sat there he accused me of being a fake. I looked up at him and began to speak.

“What did you want to talk about?” I put my head down I can’t look at him to long I’ll get angry and probably cry too and the last thing I need him seeing is me being weak.

“Look Sunday I want to apologize I shouldn’t of said those harsh words to you, I should of just respected your decisions.” I put my head up surprised by the apology and what was said in his apology, it’s the words I wanted to hear but I still kept it cool.

“Oh, ok” I replied back.

“Ok? That’s it” he looked at me in confusion and voice showing off a little frustration.

“Well what do you want me to say?” I asked him.

"Oh I don’t know maybe a little ‘apology accepted’ or maybe ‘thank you for your apology’, something along the lines of that would be a little helpful” He said.

“I would like to remind you that just a few weeks ago you called me a hypocrite which is a very strong word to use, I appreciate your apology, but you need to know that your words hurt especially when it came from someone I care about” I shot back. I wasn’t going to let him off easy. He turned his face away and scratched the back of his neck his face full of shame. He looked up at me I notice his eyes have bags under them showing his lack of sleep, his face is a little unshaven and his hair as much as he made to look like a mess on purpose this one was different, he looked different I’m just surprised that I noticed this now, is that  because of me? Am I causing this?

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