Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Sunday’s POV

What have I done?

My heart is pounding, I feel so dizzy.

Did I really just do that?

Did I just disregard Louis feelings for me?

Those words he said to me, weren’t they the same feelings I had for him?

So why did I break his heart?

Why did I just ruin any chance of us being together?

I wanted to throw up, I wanted to leave. I couldn’t thin straight hell I don’t think I was ever thinking straight.

“Sunday?” Kayla’s voice was close but I couldn’t see her. I was so out of it.

 “Is everything alright?”

I crouched down n and she crouched down with me. “Sunday?”

Her voice was more frantic. “Sunday tell me what’s wrong?”

I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I held her tight and burst out crying.

“I’m a horrible person Kayla” I said coughing through my tears.

“Why? What happened?” She shook me and turned me around so I could face her.

“He wants me the way I want him and I just laughed in his face” My tears were flowing heavily. “What kind of person does that?”

“I…” My breathing becomes hitched as I continue to cry. “I’ve waited for this day….I’ve wanted to say the same things ….and” As I spoke more tears flowed staining Kayla’s shirt and leaking into my mouth. “And I hurt him…I broke his heart. And now…”

“Shhh Sunday….we’ll fix this ok?” Kayla’s voice soothes me as she strokes my back.

I let a few stray tears fall. “I ruined it Kayla…I ruined everything”

Louis’ POV

“He won’t come out of his room” I hear muffled voices behind the door.

“What happened?” A voice asks.

“I don’t know. I went to ask Kayla to see if Sunday knew anything but Kayla said that Sunday is the same way just sadder” When I heard Sunday’s names I perked up. What are they talking about?

I wanted to know what was going on but at the same time I didn’t want to leave this bed.

“How about I go check on him?” I think that was Zayn.

My guess was right when I saw his head peek through. When he saw that I was up he walked up to my bed.

“Hey man” He smiled.

“Hey Zayn” My voice was horse and dry.

“Is everything alright?” He leaned on the small table beside my bed.

“I’m fine” I grunted. If this is what they want to talk about I’m not in the mood.

“It’s about Sunday isn’t it?” He went on.

I sighed. “Zayn, I don’t want to talk about it. I’m perfectly fine” I rolled over on the other side so that I wouldn’t have to see his face.

“You can tell me what happened” I hear the sound of his feet shifting. “I know that you like Sunday. Did something happen last night?”

As much as I wanted to keep quiet about the whole thing, I knew I could trust the boys. I’m pretty sure that the rest have an idea of what happened. But letting it out to one of them would probably help start my day.

“She rejected me.” I sat up and run my fingers through my hair. “Last night I thought I could tell her how I feel. I wanted to all day but couldn’t find the right time.”

Zayn stayed positioned on the table and patiently listened. “I walked right up to her door and told her about how she made feel. When I was done saying everything…she…laughed right in my face and then asked if I was joking. I felt so stupid to think that she had feelings for me. I still feel stupid…..”

I waited for Zayn to say something. I didn’t want the pity card or the ‘it’s going to be ok’ speech. I just wanted to forget it and move on. If that’s how she really feels than I should respect it.

“Something is not right” Zayn shook his head.

“What do you mean?”

“That wasn’t Sunday…I mean it was but that Sunday you’re talking about is different”

“What are you talking about?”

He stood up from his spot and looked directly at me. “Sunday is a polite girl. I mean as long as you don’t hurt her. And you didn’t hurt her you just told her about your feelings. In a different situation Sunday would have understood and politely say that she didn’t feel the same way. So the whole thing about her laughing at you is just weird.”

I pondered on what he said. “Your right…so what do you think it is?”

“There something more between you to isn’t there” Zayn said totally side stepping my question.


“I knew it, I mean you guys known each other for a while. And I can tell that you have something for each other but you’re like pulling back you know. It’s like weird…because the simple things are complicated between you two” I knew Zayn was observant but I didn’t think he was that observant.

“So what’s up with you two?”

I was startled this conversation took another turn. “Umm”

I didn’t have a problem with the boys knowing so I shrugged and said it. “We’re arranged to be married. That’s why things are a little difficult for us. We didn’t want to get married to each other, but we compromised. I suggested that we could see other people behind our parent’s backs. If we love the person we could tell our parent that we won’t get married to each other…that’s why she laughed at me and thought it was joke because of the deal we made. So now she’s going to find someone else…but I don’t want her to”

“Wow” Zayn leaned back on to the table. “Well that explains a lot”

“Then I really don’t think Sunday wanted to be mean. I think it just happened you know?” Zayn says.

“You mean like she was in shock or something?” He nods. That could be it…I mean Zayn is right this is the meanest I’ve seen of Sunday. And she’s never rude to me unless she teasing.

“Maybe your right” I say as I think about it.

“I probably am” He grins. “Look Louis stop moping around we’ll find out more about this later. And trust me there is a pretty good explanation about Sunday’s actions”

“Thanks Zayn, for you know talking with me” He smiles.

“Anytime now get up and get ready we’re leaving in an hour.” He punches my shoulder and heads out the room. I yawn and get up from my bed ready to start the day. Zayn’s right last night was not Sunday. So instead of bothering myself about it I’ll just give her some space and we’ll figure something out later.


Hoped you guys had a wonderful long weekend!

(For those who have one)

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Bye <3

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