Chapter 11

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And this chapters dedication goes too....ClairaMarie! I think she should know why... Now onto the story.........

*2 Month’s later*

Sunday’s POV

“Class is dismissed”

I got up from my chair and exited the boring lecture hall and walked towards my dorm room I was finally done for the day. It’s been a good two months for me being in Uni and I must say I’m actually enjoying it, take away the boring lectures and not really important reading and projects, Uni isn’t such a bad place. I and Kay made a few more friends and regularly checked up on Rimmie. I’ve been talking to Louis a lot these past months too, we usually text each other and call occasionally, but we’ve never actually took out time from our schedules to meet up with each other.

I opened my dorm room door and plopped right onto my bed, I honestly feel like having a nap but I can’t I have to do an essay about the fundamentals of something I think equality, I don’t know I blanked out when the teacher said the word fundamentals. I heard the door opened.

“What’s up girlie?” Kayla asked as she walked inside the dorm.

“Nothing much how was your class?” She dropped her books and plopped down beside my bed.

“The same old, but…. That cute guy I was talking about was there and I took the effort or more like the initiative to talk to him and we had like the best conversation ever, he’s like the sweetest guy I’ve ever met” Kayla gushed. I rolled my eyes, the second week we got here Kayla had her eyes set on this guy she saw at one of her classes. His name is Grey or Greg one of those, anyways she’s been trying to talk to him ever since and I guess she finally got the chance.

“You say that about every guy” I groaned.

“But he’s different!” She defended.

“You say that about every guy too…” I muttered.

“What did you say his name was again?”

“William” She answered. Wow I wasn’t even close where did I get Greg from?

“So what did you guys talk about?” I asked.

“Well at first I started talking to him about the assignment, then we went off talking about back home and our friends and family and what it was like at home” She explained.

“This was going on during the class?” I wondered.

“Noo we were supposed to write some notes down…… Oh so I told him about Rimmie since we were talking about friends and stuff and guess what? It turns out that he knows Rimmie and that their actually good friends and you know what that means?” Kay looked at me with a huge smile.

“Umm that Rimmie has some cool friends?” I answered knowing in my heart that that wasn’t the answer.

“No silly that means whenever Rimmie and William hang out I can pop him gaining more access for me to have more conversations with him” Kayla explained.

“Of Course” I stated.

“So guess what where we’re going?”

“To Rimmie’s dorm?” I asked her.


Great a day with the guys.

We started walking towards Rimmie’s dorm room the whole journey there Kay was babbling about how amazing William is and how he’s so cool and she can’t wait to have another conversation with him. She so fortunate I’m her friend I mean I’m doing  this for her it does seem like she really likes this Willie guy I’m just happy Rimmie will be there.

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