Chapter 55

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Sunday’s POV

“What do you mean by separating us?” A frantic voice asked I recognized that it was Kayla’s.

“Whatever relationship you’re in will no longer be at the end of this meeting” My hands gripped tighter on Louis’.

“You’re breaking us up?” Harry asked bewildered by the thought of it.

“Yes and we’ll be putting the two of you together” Martha nodded. I swear she loves this watching us cling to the opens we love and then watch us separate.

“So the plan is to separate you four. Then have Louis and Kayla paired up.” Fred smile wasn’t helping except it made me want to throw up.

“Why?” Louis asked he didn’t look like he knew what was going on. He seemed dazed, so was I, I can’t believe after the crap we’ve been through this happens.

“Well we felt that you and Kayla are more of the perfect match. Personality wise and appearance wise” Carl explained. It didn’t matter how many times they smiled or how assuring their tone was I wanted to rip each and every single one of them apart.

“But we’re happy together” My voice falters. I was on the verge of tears.

“It’s tough to be in this business, you’re just going to have to deal with it” Martha’s eyes turned cold her voice almost in an ‘I don’t care’ tone.

“Just remember that after this meeting Louis and Kayla will be together.” Fred reminded us.

“Your first date will be tomorrow night. Details about the whereabouts will be given at a time tomorrow. There will also be some instructions make sure that they will be followed.” Martha instructs.

“And what if we don’t go on the date” Kayla crosses her arms she looked straight at Martha.

“Then these two boys career will be over. We can easily replace two other singers in the group.” Martha’s eyes pierced into Kayla’s she’s like a ruthless pit bull ready to attack. Kayla recoiled and went back to holding Harry’s hands. Martha smirked knowing she won.

“I think we’ve discussed everything.” Fred said standing up. “More information will come throughout the week.”

They all guided us toward the door sending us out the hall and shutting the door behind them. Harry tugged Kayla’s arm towards the elevator while Louis and I tagged along.

“I can’t believe them! How dare they? Can’t they see that we’re just fine the way we are!” Kayla yelled. The frustration was supposed to be for the people in the room but Harry was taking it all.

“Kayla please calm down” Harry said his throat cracking.

She stared at all of us her breathing erratic and uncontrolled. “Why are you all so quiet? Is this what you wanted? Because I sure as hell didn’t want this. I’m with Harry” She furiously point to harry. “And you’re with Sunday” She says as she points to Louis.

“Please Kayla don’t do this right now” Harry pleaded tears spilling from his eyes. He grabbed a hold of her while Kayla put her arms around him. I tear my eyes away from the scene in front of me, I lay my head on Louis shoulder’s like me he hasn’t said a word since the meeting.

We got out of the elevator and walked into the cars just as Paul said would happen. The car ride was silent only Kayla’s sobs were heard throughout the whole ride. We walked into the boy’s hotel room where Niall, Zayn and Liam were concentrated on a video game.

“Hey how di- what happened?” Niall noticed the crying Kayla and our somber faces.

“They want me and Kayla to be a couple. They’ve broken us up” Louis said after being silent the whole time coming here.

“What?” Liam was shocked and so were Zayn and Niall. “They can’t do that”

“Oh but they did” Louis spat he was bitter and to be honest so was I.

“So what now?” Zayn asked.

“Tomorrow night is going to be our first date” Kayla has calmed down but her anger was still there.

“Don’t worry guys we’ll fix this. They won’t get away with this” Liam assured he gave me a warm smile I tried my best to return it.

“Liam’s right guys, something is going to mess this up everything will be back. We’ll find a way to fix it. It’s just how” Niall added on he put down his controller and started to think.

“It doesn’t matter we’ll find a way” Zayn nodded.

“Thanks guys” Harry gave his friends a small smile as he held on to Kayla.

This is not what I expected from this meeting. I don’t think any of us we’re expecting this. I’m just disgusted by their actions. Not once did they even acknowledge or ask about how we felt about the situation. Of course they didn’t they’re not going to let anyone come in they’re way. What’s going to happen between us? Will my friendship with Kayla be ruined? How long is this going to be?

“Louis” My thoughts were turned off when I heard Harry call. He motioned for the both of us to follow him. We left the hotel room and went inside I and Kayla’s room.

“We need to clear something’s out” Kayla said as we all stood in the living room.

“On the outside we” Gesturing to her and Louis. “Will be a couple, but when we’re not we’ll no longer be a couple.” I guess that was an obvious decision.

“What if they want you two to kiss?” That question didn’t even reach my mind. I watch as Harry waits for an answer.

“God I hope not, but if they do just know that we don’t want each other.” Kayla’s right. At the end of the day Louis comes back to me and Kayla to Harry. Whatever they do on the outside is because they were forced not because they wanted too.

“I guess that clears everything up” Louis says to everyone but his eyes are directed to me.

“Yes it does” I give him a hug, I’ve been holding on to him this whole time but this is what we both needed; a genuine hug.

“Sunday please know that I want nothing to do with your boyfriend.” She says as she comes up to hug me.

I chuckle. “I know you don’t” I trust Kayla and Louis. They both were shoved into this with no warning like the rest of us. Kayla’s heart is for Harry and she knows that my heart is for Louis. Over her shoulders I see Louis also giving harry a hug. The boys in the other room were right, we’ll get through this and hopefully soon we’ll stop it.


 Sorry for the wait....

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