Chapter 10

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 This chapter's dedication is to AlyssaLuvsU7, she also her own story on her watpad go check it out! Now on to the story......

Sunday’s POV

“You sure you got everything?”

Today is the day I’m finally heading off to Uni. After a few visits to the Tomlinson’s place and back and some shopping for dorm stuff the summer finally came to an end and for me and Kayla that means starting our first year in Birbeck.

“Yea I think so” I reassured my mother.

“Are you sure you don’t want me and your father to drop you off instead?” My mom asked for like the 5th time.

Kayla’s dad being a generous and awesome person that he is got Kayla a Mini cooper. This is so awesome because we have more freedom to go places and explore our surroundings. At first I wanted to go with my parents fearing that there isn’t enough space to put all of our things in the car but she told me how surprised I would be of how roomy it was and she was right.

“No I think I’m ok, and between me and you I don’t think you want to take all my stuff out from her car and put into ours, especially when we wasted our time trying to shove that suitcase in there” I told her.

“Yea you’re probably right, remember to call every day, and even if we don’t pick up try 5 times before leaving a message and remember to tell us anything and everything and if you need more money call us ok?” My mother gave me a tight hug and soon after my father joined making it a Brookwell family group hug. Breaking off the hug I stepped into the car, waved goodbye and headed off to Birbeck.

Louis POV

“You sure you have everything?”

I started to put in the last bag into my car. I looked up at my mother who looks pretty worried I smiled at her and went up to her and hugged her.

“Yes, I’m pretty sure that’s about everything”

“How you can be so sure you never know maybe we should go back into the house and check for sure” She started to rush into the house. I know exactly what she’s doing trying to do; she’s trying to make me stay longer. You know what’s so ironic if I told her that I didn’t want to go to Uni and use her money to travel the whole world she would beat me till I’m black and blue and now I’m going to Uni and she doesn’t want me to leave, just great.

“Mum stop” I said as I caught her arm from going in “if I left anything at home you can visit and bring it for me”

She looked up at me “Really?”

“Of course” I assured her. I felt a tug on my leg; I looked down and saw my two twin sisters Daisy and Phoebe man am I going to miss them. I crouched down to their level as I did I can already see tears forming from their eyes.

“Hey girls,”

“Do you really have to leave Louis can’t you just stay for one more day?” Daisy asked with Phoebe nodding her head.

“No I can’t, but I tell you what when I get back we’ll have a massive tea party ok” I started to see smiles erupt from their faces and they both hugged me. As they released from the hug I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked up to see my sister Fizzie oh god, I can’t do this I’m going to start crying I mean I just realized how much I’ll miss these people. Shut up Louis be a MAN. I looked at my sister.

“Would you like to join this massive tea party?”

“Ha-ha, sure anything to spend time with you, I’ll really miss you bro” She said as she hugged me tightly, I hugged back.

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