Chapter 48

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Sunday POV

“Oh my god I think I’m love with New York City” Kayla gushed. We just came out of Hard Rock Café. After the wonderful show the boys did last night we decided on doing something fun today. We had already planned to go sightseeing so being our last day here in New York we traveled to the city to have a fun day out.

“The next place is the Brooklyn Bridge” Harry called out. He was carrying list of places we needed to visit. He was practically our planner for the day.

“Ooh awesome I’ve always wanted to go the Brooklyn Bridge” I said really excited for our next destination. At a small age I used go to the shops with my mum and look at the postcards that would depict every city. And one of my favourite ones was the picture of the Brooklyn Bridge form that day on I promised myself to one day visit it.

The group broke into small groups of chatter as we walked towards the bridge. Walking in the streets of New York City is nerve wracking since there were so many people. But the group still managed to stay together the only security that we only had was Paul who was talking to Harry.

“Don’t you think Louis is acting a little odd today?” Kayla asked.

“What do you mean?” I took a small glance at Louis who up ahead of us was talking to Liam they seem to be in a deep conversation

“Well back at the café he kept looking at you. I mean he’s always have but this time it’s different.” This was news to me. I knew that he was talking to me more today and always found a way to hold my hand or put his arms around me. And I didn’t mind the small gestures what I thought of them was one big jumbled mess. But I didn’t know that Louis was stealing glances at me. Well he’s not the only one.

“What’s different?” I asked keeping an eye on Louis. I didn’t notice anything odd about him today other what I said previously.

“I can’t really put my finger on it but just know it’s different” Well that isn’t helpful. I sighed as we continued walking towards the bridge. When we got there everyone separated trying to find  binoculars.

I found my own binoculars and looked into it the city is beautiful from up here the hustle and bustle of it almost disappearing only leaving you with the towering buildings.

“Breathtaking isn’t it?” I turned to the voice behind me.

“Yeah it is” I moved away from the binocular and let Louis look through.

“Do you know where the Empire State Building is?” Louis wondered swiveling the binoculars trying to find the popular building.

“Oh I think it’s right over there” I pointed my finger to the left and helped him to the building.

“Whoa” He breathed.

“I know right” I chuckled.

“Come on let’s take a picture” He pulled out his phone positioning it so that the building were behind us. I stood beside him our cheeks touching and smiles wide. We took a few before Louis was satisfied.

“Let’s go find the others” I reached for his hands. We wandered around the bridge trying to find our friends.

“Sunday there’s something I need to tell you” Louis says causing us to stop. I turned to him wondering what he needed to tell me. He looked nervous whatever it is it must be important.

“What is it Louis?” His eyes didn’t even look in mine. His eyes were trained on the bridge floor.

“Um I uh …” He stuttered he glanced over my shoulder and looked back down on the floor again. “You know what never mind, I’ll tell you later not now”

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