Chapter 33

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Sunday POV

It’s been a few weeks now and I and Hunter has been dating a lot. I’ve grown to appreciate his company. Hunter is an all-around gentleman and that’s what makes me admire him more like any girl.

In those few weeks I’ve only talked to Louis once. I figured that I return his call. It was like any phone call with Louis. Full of stories and laughs, I realized at that moment that I missed him a lot.

But I couldn’t let my feelings override because now there someone else in my life. And every time I think about it I always feel as though I let Louis down. No not let down, I betrayed him.

I my thoughts pause as my phone rings.


“Hey Sunday” My heart beats even when I’m doing nothing I still feel guilty. But why it’s not like we’re dating or anything. We’re just forced into marriage not really in a committed relationship with each other.

“Sunday? Are you there?”

“Huh? Sorry Louis I got distracted there could you repeat that?”

“Oh that’s fine” He chuckled “I was just asking if you wanted to come to a performance”

“A performance?”

“Yea, they’re allowing us to invite family and friends and I thought you might want to come because my mum has been in like every show and you haven’t” He rambled.

“Oh wow that’s exciting yea I would love to go”

“Really that’s great! I wanted to get Kayla too since you know your both friends and all but the said only one person so sorry about that” He explained.

“Oh no don’t worry about that. I’m sure Kayla would be fine”

“Oh ok then. Its tomorrow night” Tomorrow? Count on Louis to leave such a short notice.

“Alright, see you there” We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I’m excited to see Louis perform with his friends. And I can’t wait to meet his friends. He told me ridiculous stories about them so this should be interesting.

I went back to my dorm room. Kayla said that she had a project that she needed to work on so she’ll be back late. So I have the dorm to myself. I decided to work on my homework which really is another essay.

As I worked on my essay my mind kept drifting to the unresolved problem. What if Louis found out about Hunter? What if Hunter found out about Louis? Maybe I’m overacting maybe Louis is in the same situation as me. I was interrupted when I heard a knock on the door.

“Hey Hunter” He was wearing a simple t shirt and jeans. But his clothes are not what caught my surprise. His appearance did, he looked stressed and tired. Come to think of it I didn’t even see him today.

“Hunter is everything alright?” I let him come inside.

“Umm yes…ok maybe not just a little stressed is all” He sheepishly smiled.

“Stressed about what?” He hesitated. Then he stood up and began pacing. I’ve never seen him so nervous before.

“Hunter? What’s wrong?” I stopped him from pacing and put an arm on his shoulder. We held each other’s gaze for a while that I didn’t notice that he was holding me, his hands on my waist.

“How long have we been dating for?” His question surprised me. I suddenly was feeling self-conscious. Does he no longer want us to date?

“Umm a few weeks now” I mumbled not bothering to look into his eyes.

“And there’s…there’s strong feeling right? Like you have strong feelings for me?” I simply nodded. I do have strong feelings for Hunter. And those feelings are what worry me.

“No I need to hear you. Tell me Sunday do you have strong feelings for me?” He urged.

“Yes Hunter, I have feelings for you.” I confessed. “What is this all about?”

“Because Sunday for a while now…you know what forget this is probably not the right time” He let go of my waist and headed for the door. He’s foolish to think that I’m just going to let him go like that.

“Hey! No wait, you wanted to tell me something so tell me” He shook his head.

“No Sunday it’s probably too early we should wait”

“Wait for what? Hunter whatever it is you can trust me” He sighed. He took a seat on my bed. I waited for him to continue his thought.

“I wanted to know…” His cheeks were slowly turning pink. “If you wanted to be my girlfriend”

“What?” The words that flew from his mouth shocked me.

“See I knew it” He shook his head and for the door again. “It’s not the right time. Just forget this happened”

“No wait!” I reached for his arm and pulled him away from the door.

“Sunday please don’t embarrass me more. It’s my mistake I should be more considerate” He said his eyes not even reaching mine. He unraveled his arms from my touch and headed for the door again.

“Hunter would you wait!” I yelled out.

“We’re still on for tomorrow right? I mean I don’t want this encounter to make us feel awkward around each other” He asked.

“Hunter would you just listen! I’m trying to tell you something!” I huffed.

“What?” He looked as if a mother yelled at her child. Head down and shoulders slumped. 

“I wanted to say that I would love to be your girlfriend” His head shot up.

“Really?” He asked stepping closer.

“Yes really Hunter. Your right it might be a little too early but I do have strong feeling for you” He pulled me in for hug. But it felt more like he was holding me, cradling me if you will. I felt safe, secured.

“My mother told me that in life you need to love and when you find love, love freely” He mumbled in my ears. “And Sunday that’s exactly what I intend to do with you”

I held him closer. The words he said ringing in my ears, as we held each other I couldn’t help but think that I made the right choice. That whatever happens whether with Louis or anyone else I know that I made the right decision about Hunter.

But if I made such a good decision why is my heart telling me that I made the wrong one?


Hey guys...So yeah that happened.

Just a heads up that I will be updating more often now that I'm off from school.

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Bye <3

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