Chapter 36

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Louis POV

“I have a boyfriend”

“This has to be some joke right?” The last time I found out Sunday had a boyfriend was when a crazy stalker decided on ending the arrangement. But when I look at her face something tells me that there’s no crazy stalker involved.

“Umm…no Louis, this isn’t a joke” She couldn’t even look at me in the eye. She’s serious? She literally went behind my back and found some guy?

“What’s his name?” I manage to say.


“How did this happen?” I was beyond furious right now. And I’ll admit it, I’m hurt.

“He’s a new student and I wanted to show him around” She only glanced at me then looked away.

“Do you like him Sunday? Like a lot?” My heart is begging her to say ‘no’. And this time there’s no confusion, no wondering why I feel a certain way, nothing. The answer is straight and clear.

I’m in love with Sunday Brookwell.

And before I told myself that I loved her. But in a different way, I thought I just valued her friendship. But today looking at her I realize that was complete bull crap.

And I thought that maybe she felt the same way. But I guess I was stupid to think that, to actually believe that. Because now I’m standing right in front of her listening about how she met some douche named Hunter.

“Yes” She whispered.

“Sunday, look at me and tell me that again. Do you care for him? Do you have strong feelings for him?” I watched as her faced twitched. She didn’t even know the answer.

“Yes” She replied her answer was firm as if there was no way to change it.

I sighed. “Then I can’t do much right? I mean he seems to make you happy. And to be honest Sunday all I want for you to be is happy.”

“You won’t tell our parents?” She sniffled. It was now that I saw her crying. I walked up to her and wiped her tears.

“Of course not, I mean this is what you want right? I mean I guess things have been a little confusing. So why don’t we clear it up now” She looked at me puzzled and nodded for me to go on.

“Ok, I know that this is tradition but that doesn’t mean we can’t divorce.  I mean look at my mum.”

“But someone else from the family came in.” Sunday countered.

“I found out that Mark is only a friend of the family. Your mother got it wrong. But as I was saying we can divorce, but on one basis only.”

“That’s if we don’t fall in love with each other before we get married off. And I’m talking about a mutual love. We both are in love with each other. And if we’re not and in love with someone else, then we can tactfully tell our parents that we don’t want to be married to each other. And I’m pretty sure that in time they will understand.” Sunday was quiet.

“So what’s our plan here?” She asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Is the plan not to fall in love with each other or to fall in love with each other?” Her head tilted to the side waiting for me to answer.

“It can be whatever, that’s the beauty of it. It’s your own personal game plan. Are you ok with that?” She thought about it and then slowly smiled.

“Yea, thank you Louis. For respecting my decision” She lifted her arms and moved in for a hug.

“No problem” I sighed into her neck.

So now I have to wait and hope. Because as much as I want to make her fall in love with me, I know I can’t. It’s up to her now and I have a feeling that, that day will never come.

“I have to go find Kayla. It’s almost time for us to go.” She pulled away and walked up to the door. When she opened it five not so happy boys were waiting outside.

“Whoa there boys, calm down he apologized. You don’t need to hurt him” Sunday chuckled assuring them.

“Yeah well he didn’t exactly apologize to us.” Liam said. Sunday gave me a good luck face and walked off.

“Ok I get that you may feel a little angry.” I started off.

“A little? Louis why did you lie to us? Don’t you trust us?” The Irish boy cut me off.

“Yea, I mean if you didn’t want us talking to her than just tell us.” Zayn sat down arms crossed.

“Look I’m sorry guys. I know I should have told you the truth, I wanted to but I didn’t want to hurt your feelings so I lied instead.” I felt like a jerk. I knew I should have just trusted them instead of being selfish and over protective.

“So why didn’t you want us to talk to her?” Liam asked.

“Because…I was going to convince her to be my girlfriend and I was scared that you guys would ruin the chance. I know I should have just admitted that, but I guess I didn’t trust you enough.” I said my voice low.

“Oh” Niall nodded “Well did it work?”

“Nope, she already has a boyfriend” I took a seat beside Zayn.

“Oh Louis” Harry sighed. He gave me a pat on the back. “It’s alright she’ll come around”

“No Harry, I think she already made up her mind. But that’s alright as long as she’s happy” I shrugged.

“But are you happy?” Liam wondered.

“I’ll be fine if that’s what’s your getting at. And plus I think we’re better as friends. Anyways I really am sorry for such a stupid mix up. I thought if there were no distractions it would work, but I guess not.” I shrugged again.

“Apology accepted. Now let’s get back, Bryan said that the cars are ready” As we headed out the boys tried to cheer me up with stupid jokes and stories.

I no doubt am fortunate to have them and glad that there were trying to distract me. But I couldn’t help but let my mind wander off to Sunday. Even though I tell myself that this is better for us.

My heart is telling me that it isn’t.

How long will it take for me to stop listening to my heart?

Because I’m sick of feeling the pain it causes.


I have  many things to talk about, so this might take a while. First... Yay! Louis finally admitted to himself that he's in love with Sunday. One down , one more to go! 

The other thing is about the 5000 reads this book has gotten! OMG guys thank you! This is so amazing and exciting and just ugh!!!! So thank you for that.

In celebration of that I want to ask for one favor... Please vote for this chapter, thats it all I'm asking is one vote! I know I  have some shy readers, but this would really be nice if you guys did. Sorry if this sounded really whiny, that isn't my intention.

Thank you all again for sticking this far in the story!

Have a beautiful day and se you next update!

Bye <3

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