Chapter 54

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Sunday’s POV

 “So what are we doing today?” Niall asked Paul who has just finished helping us settle into our hotel rooms.

“Well you boys have a meeting that you need to get to soon.” Paul looks at his phone reading the information of it. “We’ll take you girls along, there’s mall that you could visit”

“Yeah shopping!” Kayla and I high five each other.

He claps happy that we planned our day. “Good since that’s settled let’s get ready”

Everyone heads to their rooms to get ready. I wonder what the boys could be talking about the last time they had a meeting it was about their plans for their next album.

“You ready?” Kayla calls out. I grab my purse head out the room door.

“Yup” I link my arms around hers and go find the rest.  We met up with the boys and Paul into the lobby of the hotel where were told that I and Kayla would take a separate car to the mall while the boys go to their meeting.

“How long has it been since we’ve hung out?” Kayla asks as we get out of the car.

“Wow it’s been a while” I try to think of the last time we hung out just the two of us. Ever since the tour we’ve been occupied with the boys and other things.

Kayla laughs. “Yea it has, good thing we’re out.”

We walk into the mall and find a place to start shopping. At first we walked around mindlessly just window shopping. We went through a lot of shops until Kayla found a small boutique we could look in.

“So how are you and Harry?” I ask sifting through clothes. The boutique had a range of summer dresses to evening gowns. Kayla insisted that we look through the summer dresses first.

“I can’t complain” I tear my eyes from the article of clothing I’m holding Kayla was wearing a smile. It warmed my heart that my friend was slowly falling in love.

“And what about you?”

I shrugged. “I guess it’s going well” Even Kayla knew I couldn’t hide the blush that was rushing to my cheeks.

Kayla raises an eyebrow. “You guess?”

I chuckle. “Ok it’s been going well. I like the pace that we’re in, we all just gone through a lot the last thing we need to do is quickly rush into a relationship.”

“I agree completely, after everything that happened with Rimmie everyone is a little tense. It’s been a month now but every day I wake up I feel like it happened last night.” Kayla limply held the dress in front of her, tears daring to come out again. I cross the other side and link my arm with hers.

“We’re going to be fine. It’ll take some time but will make through it.” I assure her and myself.

“I know but it’s just…it was so hard that day of his funeral. It was like there was no turning back it’s was just the plain truth. He’s gone and there is no way he’ll come back” Her tone was as if she was a little girl who found out her family member died.

“I know but let’s not think about it too much. Let’s move on for him, for Rimmie, for ourselves” His death still hurts us and will always hurt us. But I know Rimmie he wouldn’t want us to mourn he would tell us to move on.

Throughout the shopping trip we let go of the somber thoughts, we walked around some more going to other levels of the shopping area. We got some dresses from the boutique and a couple of other things to wear. We are now on the hunt of finding some food.

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