Chapter 41

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Sunday POV

Shock, hurt and humiliation is what I feel as Kayla speaks.


I actually don’t feel a damn thing and it doesn’t surprise me that I’m feeling this way. I’ve come to realized that I had enough of Hunter. He was sweet but now I find out that it’s all just a game.

 How charming.

“You’re not gonna cry?” Kayla eyes me suspiciously as if I was to burst any second now.

“No” I shrug.

“You could care less about his cheating ass, don’t you?” She smirks.

“Tonight was just a huge turn off. But now things make sense, why he ‘works’ a lot in the library. And he always runs off to finish ‘schoolwork’.” Everything seems to click and here I thought he was just a devoted student. But instead he’s just face battling some chick in his room.

How sweet of him.

“So now what?” Kayla takes a seat beside me.

“Now I have to break up with him” It’s simple as that. I’m not going to waste my time on him. “Hey how did you find out about all of this?”

“One of my classmates saw him and a girl lip locking at the back of the library. She wanted to make sure it was him and then told me” Lip locking at the back of the library, how cliché.

“Oh well tell her thanks. Now come on I have a boyfriend to dump” We walked out of the dressing room and into the busy corridor. Yet it seems that it’s more calm, its looks as if people are leaving.

“I think it’s time for us to leave” Kayla sighed.

I nodded. “Yea, let’s go”

“You don’t want to go say bye to Louis?” I looked around and saw no traces of the boys anywhere.

I shook me. “I don’t think so; it doesn’t look like they’ve finished their discussion with Simon yet”

“Yea your right,” Kayla said. We made our way to the back exit door, until a certain someone called my name.

“Hey babe, I’ve been looking for you everywhere” His smile looked like he cared. How blind was I? He may be horrid, but he knows his game. Under his sugar coating is just a bunch of garbage.

“Oh well you found me, come on lets go” I said just a sweet. Kayla gave me a worrying look. She probably thought that I was back under his spell or something. I gave her the ‘just go with it’ look and walked towards the car.

We drove back home in silence. Hunter kept trying to make some moves on me but I rudely declined all of them. We walked up to my and Kayla’s room, I let Kayla go in first before I stopped and stood before Hunter.

“We’re done” Might as well cut to the chase.

“What? Why?” Hunter asked. He was confused and looked shocked. I don’t know why he’s being that way; he should know that not all his secrets can be kept.

“I don’t know” I shrugged and turned the doorknob. “Why don’t you ask the girl you were making out with at the back of the library?”

“She came on to me!” I rolled my eyes. He’s actually trying, how pitiful.

“Don’t even start Hunter, it doesn’t work on me” I opened the door and shut it behind me.

It’s like ripping off a Band-Aid.

The next day was a breeze. Hunter tried talking to me in class but I ignored acting as if I couldn’t hear him. I don’t understand why he wasting his time trying to get me back, I’m pretty sure his other ‘friends’ would want him.

He even followed me to my dorm. Which I think is a very brave move considering that last night was a big hint that I wanted nothing to do with him. Instead of listening to him or letting him explain himself, I walked in and shut the door to his face.

So now I was working on my never ending homework due for the end of this week. I was half way through when someone knocked on the door.

I swear to god if this boy doesn’t leave me alone I will…


Instead of seeing a pathetic loser, I see my beautiful mother standing in front of me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as I hugged her. I missed my parents so much, I’m glad that she’s here.

“Just thought I pop by” Her voice sounded strange. It sounded stern and less loving.

“Umm ok, come on in” She walked inside the dorm and sat down on the small couch. She was being unusually quiet, and that was scaring me.

“So you have a boyfriend” We Brookwell women sure love cutting to the chase.

 How in the world did she find out?

“Yea but you don’t need to worry” I started to explain but she cut me off.

“Oh I do need to worry, you are so lucky that Aunt Jay wasn’t there when your secret lover boy introduced himself to us” I swear I am going to kill Hunter. How did he even know who they were? I don’t remember showing him a picture. But then again I and my mother do look slightly alike.

“Mum I can explain…”

“No you will not explain anything” She snapped. “You are going to listen. You are not allowed to see anyone but Louis. He is the one you need to love, not Hunter or anybody else. I don’t care if you don’t love him now Sunday, but you better feel something. You are both obligated to each other. We have businesses and a family name to protect here Sunday. We have to stick to the tradition or else everything will fall apart.”

My mother has never spoken to me like this, sure she got angry but this is another level of angry. And I don’t like it, she sounds controlling as if I have no say in anything. I understood what she was saying and she was right about our tight family tie and businesses. But that’s not my problem, it’s theirs.

“I don’t know why you’re berating me about sticking to tradition when Aunt Jay didn’t. Louis told me about how Mark is just a friend, not a distant family member” I said holding my ground.

“Sunday you don’t even know what you’re talking about. Louis step father is from a close family friend of the Brookwell’s. If we didn’t have any, you’d be marrying a cousin.” She scoffed. This is all so confusing, and it had to be my father explained that how the works is line messed up because people kept messing it up. And it will stay like that forever. Not unless the younger generation does something and that’s where I and Louis come up.

“This will be the only and last time I hear about this. Do I make myself clear?” I solemnly nodded. There is no point to tell her about how I broke up with Hunter.

She’s knows that I’ll do it.

“I said do I make myself clear?” She repeated.

“Yes ma’am” I nodded again this time not meeting her eyes.

“I know that it’s hard. And yes it is a little unfair to not be able to choose who you want in your life. But you’ll see that is not as bad as you think it will be, it maybe just even better.” She said as she kissed my forehead and left.


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