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Olivia 's pov

I was happy cause Derek was treating me nice and i think it is more than enough for me. He is comfortable around me and even invited me to his home. He is totally different from what i thought. He is quite a witty person ,but can be serious and mature if that's needed.

Derek 's room was not like what i expected. Everything was neat and tidy and most importantly it was full of his scent, Jasmine and pine.

The room was spacious. His bed was on the right side and there is a small table beside it contains the alarm.The left side of his room has the closet and a table of various books, also some posters of cars were hanging in the wall. I think he must be a fan of cars.

I was looking around, that when i noticed a paper that was laying beside the table,must be fallen from it. I picked it and placed it on the table but stopped when i see the drawing, if i said it correct, the drawing of Sarah. I wasn't aware of Derek could draw. The drawing was amazing and it looked great. But what comes to my mind was why did he draw Sarah out of all people?. I looked up from the drawing to see Derek, who was now standing at the door shocked.

" You draw this?" I asks pointing at the picture showing him the picture.

" Don't go through my things without my permission." He says firmly snatching it away from me looks pissed. The total opposite of the Derek who made me laugh just a moment ago.

I was offended. I didn't go through his things, even though i wanted to. He is my mate, so there's is nothing wrong if i go through his things. But I know how to respect others privacy. Moreover I respect him and wanted to get his trust first. It was unintentional and i just picked it from the floor because it falls down and I don't know why he is being so rude for that silly thing.

" I'm sorry. It was on the floor ,so i just picked it up. I didn't mean to go through your things intentionally and there isn't any need for me to do that." I said to clarify what happened even though i am little bit upset about him accusing me for nothing. Derek kept silence for sometimes but turned to me after tucking the drawing in one the book and placed it away.

"Huh... I' m sorry too. I just got overboard and got rude to you but i swear i didn't mean any of that." he says clearing his throat and looking at me.

"Nevermind. Anyway the drawing was amazing. I didn't know that you could draw." I says to change the topic and the tensed atmosphere.

"Thanks. My father was an artist and he used to teach me how to draw when i was a kid." He says handing me some snacks before sit on the bed and i was on the chair.He was more casual and in his cool self.

"What do you do in your free times?" I asks munching the snacks.

" Usually I don't have much free time." Derek says looking through some papers which is probably related to our assignment.

"Why so?" I asks curiously wanting to know more about him.

" I have two part time jobs after class, so i don't usually get much time to spent myself." He says glancing at me .

"So where are you working as a part timer?" I asks getting more curious than ever. It was a new information for me. I didn't know humans have to do so much work to live. In case of werewolfs the pack would give almost everything, including living expenses. So living and enjoying life was quite easy for us. But that doesn't mean we are free to do anything. We have our own pack duties and responsibilities.

"Why do you have so many questions about me? Is it some kind of interview or something?." He asks looking at me raising an eyebrow.

" I want to know more about you. I mean we are friends. You know, friends should know each other. So tell me about yourself ." I said with a sly smirk but what i said was true. I was genuinely curious about my mate's whereabouts.

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