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Derek's pov

The giant wolf  growled showing it's large fang. I gulped in fear backing away from it unknowingly. I screamed  and closed my eyes tight when the wolf  jumped towards me but opened when the attack didn't come and instead heard a painful whimper.

From the corner of my eyes i see the black wolf  bite the neck of the later, who was going to attack me with it's strong sharp fangs. The blood was oozing out from the other wolf drop by drop to the ground. I sat there frozen, can't move an inch. My throat was too dry to make any sound.

The other  two wolfs howled at the giant wolf but stopped immediately when it turned around with the blood of the the dead wolf dripping down from it's fangs not leaving my eyes making me gulp in fear. It snarled before turning to others licking it's blood stained jaws.

The black wolf possessed a dreadful dark aura that differs from others and it looked intimidating. The wolf held it's tail and head high showing its power over them. It growled making a dreadful sound that echoed all over the forest before taking a step closer to the other two wolfs. It's  fangs that is drained in red blood that were matching with it's red eyes. I flinched at the sight that was revealing infront me.

The other two wolf backed away slightly but snarled back showing their fangs. The intimidating wolf didn't flinched a bit but jumped upon them trying to bite their necks. The loud fearful growl was reflecting everywhere in the entire forest.

I was sweating hard and the pain on my leg was intense. I looked again to see the majestic wolf tearing the flesh of the another wolf away snarling showing its dominance over them. The injured wolf was whimpering and crying in immense pain.

My breath began to uneven and fear began to take over me. The scene infront of me was horrific. The wild animals were tearing each other merciless. I stand up in stinging pain on my legs decided to get away from here. I want to find Olivia. I don't wanted to be here.

I walked fast limping but winced when the unbearable pain shoot from it. I was sure my leg is sprained. I looked back  when a howl heard behind me but flinched to only see the black wolf licking the blood on its chin looking at me getting away before turning to attack another one. I gulped and my whole body frozen when it's red eyes meet with mine. I have to get away from here, otherwise that beast is going to kill me too. I have to find Olivia. Olivia, please be safe.

"Olivia" i called again getting tensed. Olivia is nowhere to see. I told her a hundred times not to go anywhere and stay under that tree but where the hell is she?. What if something happened to her?.

NO..It can't be!!!!. She is alright and she will be fine, i remind myself not to get panic.

"Olivia, where are you?" I called desperately in the verge of crying. I hate this night. I thought i was the most happiest person in the whole world a few hours ago but everything crumpled within a blink of an eyes. Where are you Olivia?. Please be safe no matter what.

I turned back hearing a crushing sound of dried leafs to see the same majestic wolf standing infront of me a few meter away. The blood of the dead wolfs was dropping down from its mouth and a small visible cut was on its stomach. I was frozen to move an inch. I gulped not looking away from its intimidating red eyes. I am not scared anymore, i lost my everything and there is nothing to loose anymore. I couldn't protect Olivia and the guilty was eating me out.


The black beast takes two steps infront of me made me to flinch backward and stumbled upon on rock before fallen to the ground with a thund. The wolf comes forward immediately but i backed away scared holding my injured leg.

The wolf stopped walking studying my each and every step before  lowering it's head and tail down showing no means of threat  makes me confused. The intimidating and dreadful aura replaced like a puppy who wants attention. I looked at that animal confused. What is going on?. Why doesn't it attacking me?. Something is strange.

The wolf starts to walk towards me and i closed my eyes tightly, turning my head away in fear. My heart was beating fast hearing the sound of heavy breaths of the black beast comming closer to me in each second. I was sweating and i know i am going to killed in any second.

A wet sensation on cheek made me to open my eyes a little but only to realise i was just licked by the black majestic wolf infront me. I blinked my eyes a few times shocked of not understanding what's just happened. The black wolf again licked me a few more times made me to close my eyes in fear.

I don't know why but the black wolf backed away immediately from me looking pained and immensely hurt. It made sure to keep a fair distance between us making me less scared than before. what the fuck was that! I thought it's going to attack me but why did it licked me? and Why does it looks hurt?.

I looked up hearing the bone cracking sound from the black wolf. The wolf looked like it is in pain. Due to some unknown reasons my heart hurted a little seeing the wolf in pain.

The sound stopped immediately, i looked infront of me blinking my eyes, can't see clearly because of the darkness. But there wasn't any majestic wolf . There wasn't any blood dripping beast. But now Olivia was standing in the place of that beast. Her body was stained with red blood and a small cut was on her stomach.

"O-Olivia" i tried to say through my dry throat can't believe my own eyes.

MY ALPHA, MY OLIVIA Where stories live. Discover now