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Olivia's pov

It was almost two weeks but nothing had changed much. Derek don't reply to any of my texts nor he picks up my calls. I even went to his home one day to explain everything but it didn't work out well. He only comes out for a second, that's too just to say gets the hell out from his house and leave him alone. Maybe things would be much more better if i had told him the truth a little bit earlier.

Derick's terrified face after he saw me that day was still hunting me. Back then his beautiful eyes was mix of disbelief,fear and disappointment. Suddenly our sweet moment were replaced with uncertainties and it's all because of me....all because of my irresponsibility and cowardness.

I walked in to the classroom hoping i could see Derek atleast today. He has been taking leave since that night and i rarely got to see him. I looked up searching him when a strong scent of Jasmine and pine hit my nostrils. He was standing there talking to someone having a beautiful smile on his lips, not noticing me yet. He looked the same as always, maybe loss some weight but handsome and cool. I missed him, really really missed him.

I was too captivated by him to notice he turned to my direction and was now looking back at me. He looked surprised to see me and wasn't smiling anymore. His smile turned instantly into an emptiness. Something has changed in the way he looks at me and i couldn't pinpoint what it really is but it was there.I smiled at him waving my hand but he kept his empty face before averting his gaze from me and walked to sit beside Sarah. I could only look at him sadly and puts my hands down.

"Hey, Olivia here." I looked up to Sarah when i heard her call waving me to come closer.

"Hey, you there" i said walking closer to her noticing Derek who was sitting beside her but not even sparing me a glance and completely focused on some books.

"Why so late?" She asks.

"Something came up" i said shrugged little did glancing at Derek now and then. I know he was ignoring me but treating me like i am not even exist, it's hurts. I was ready to take any kind of punishment to gain his forgiveness but ignorance was too much and that kind of pain was more hurtful.

The atmosphere slowly turned to awkward and Sarah was looking at me and Derek confused, not knowing what's going on. She gave me a questioning look but there wasn't anything to answer her. The professor walked in just that moment telling everybody to take their seats. Sarah offered me wants to switch seat with her but i said 'No' once again looked at Derek. I know, he won't like to sit next to especially me, right now.

I looked around to see there is only one seat left and that's is too next to Elijah Everett. I groaned irritatedly thinking about the luck i have recently.

"Hey, move your bags" i said tapping the bench and looked straight at him.

"What a surprise! The almighty Olivia wants to sit next to me?" Elijah asks sarcastically makes me to roll my eyes.

"Whatever, you jerk." i said sighed. He moved his bag still being suspicious.

"What about your sweet Derek? Why didn't you sit with him?" He asks nudging my shoulder in between the lecture.

"Can you please shut up and mind your own business?" I asks tiredly rubbing my forehead. I had enough things to deal with and i don't need him on the top of that. I only needed some peace right now.

"Did you just say 'please'?, I can't believe my ears!. Where did your pride go, Olivia?" Elijah asks sarcastically with a chuckle. I closed my eyes taking slow breaths trying my everything to keep my cool self. It is better if i don't mind him. I heard of, sometimes silence is a good weapon rather than proactive.

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