Pandora's Box

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Clarke and I were in a cell for a couple of hours before the door open to let us out.

Bellamy was at the entrance.

"I can't believe it." I gasp

Bellamy walks up to us and embraces us in a tight hug.

"Look at you... you're so tall now." He smiles

"Oh my gosh you're really here... Maddie?" Clarke asks

"She's safe. She's in the woods with the others. Diyoza won't look for them as long as we're in control." Bellamy reassures

"You're all still alive... Murphy, Monty, Raven?" Clarke questions

"Echo and Emori. Yeah. Clarke, Aurora you saved us all." Bellamy reassures

"And now you're home." I rasp

"Wait. Why'd she release us?"

"We made a deal. She agreed to open the bunker."

Clarke and I look at each other and smiled.


Bellamy handed us the radio to talk to Raven and Murphy.

"Raven, Murphy, it's really good to hear your voices." Clarke radios

"Clarke? I don't believe it. Where's Aurora?"

"Jeez, and they call me the cockroach." Murphy laughs

"You guys be careful up there, ok? We'll talk more once this is all over." I say

"We wanna hear everything." Clarke adds

"Okay, but first, thank you for saving our lives." Raven sniffles

"We miss you both." I say

"We gotta go." Bellamy sighs

"Raven, stay safe. We'll talk soon."

"Yeah every hour on the hour."


We showed them where the bunker was in Polis and I started to get some flashbacks. I haven't been here in years.

They cleared the rubble and bursted open the entrance.

Bellamy and I were the first ones to go down.

I saw Bellamy and Octavia hugging when I followed in after him.

I took in my surroundings and the bunker was... different to say the least.

When Octavia saw me, she embraced me in a hug.

"I can't believe you've gotten so big." Octavia gasps

"I missed you, Octavia" I smile pulling apart from her.

Soon after, Diyoza, Mccreary, and Clarke came down and had weird looks on their faces as they looked around the retonda.

"Who are they?" Octavia questions

"We're here to rescue you." Diyoza explains

Octavia looks down at her hand placed on her gun.

"Why are you armed?"

"O., O., it's okay. We have an understanding." Bellamy reassured

"Before we get to that, where's my mom?" Clarke questions

"I'll take her to her mother." Indra says before they walk away

"So I take it you're his sister." Diyoza fake smiles

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