Acceptable Losses

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I was finishing braiding Maddie's hair. She was beyond exited to train.

"Okay. Wait your canteen." I said handing Maddie her water

"I'm pretty sure they're goanna have water there." Maddie chuckles

"Take it anyways." Clarke smiles

"Clarke, Aurora I'm not a baby anymore." Maddie playfully rolls her eyes

"I know which is why people are more likely to notice how special you are." I sigh

"And that's why you're goanna suck today. You're not goanna stand out in any way. No one can think that you'd make a good Commander. Even though Aurora is Heda, she's Skaikru and we had a history of being "bringers of death" so we can't take any risks." Clarke reminds

"Clarke, I understand."

"Once Echo gets that camera down, we all get to go back to Shadow Valley." Clarke reassured

"Great. Maybe when we fight the war there I won't have to suck." Maddie jokes

"Let's hope we don't have to go to war. Warriors try to avoid war." I raise my brows

Maddie nods before leaving to go to the bunker.

"We should give him the note." I frown


I grab Jaspers note and Clarke and I go to find Monty.


We entered the hydro farm and Monty was there just like Harper told us.

"Harper told us you'd be down here." Clarke smiles

"I miss my algae farm. I thought being around all this would help." Monty sighs

"Does it?"

"Most of the crops are fallow. The equipment needs repair. I give it 3 weeks until this place is as dead as the waistland." Monty frowns

He looks down to see the note I had in hand.

"We've been meaning to give you this but never had the right time. We found it at Arkadia not too long after Praimfaya. We never read it but were tempted to." I inform, handing the note

"Jaspers handwriting." Monty gasps

The door suddenly opened and Cooper came in. She didn't see us though.

We hid behind some plants and saw Cooper with a body on a table, bringing it in a locked room, then leaving.

Monty was able to open the door with a magnet. Once we got into the room, we saw some disturbing things...

"Biocontainment lab? What the hell is that for?" Monty asked to no one in particular

Clarke unzipped the zipper and we walked in.

Inside, there was incubators covered. Clarke's took off the cover to see the same worms from the desert coming out of the dead woman's stomach.

"Oh my god."

"You said no one else was bitten." Monty points out

"No they weren't-"

"She's breeding them." I cut Clarke off.

We see another incubator with a man inside only this time his stomach didn't burst open yet.

"The cold must slow them down. If Octavia can deliver these worms in a defector..."

Suddenly the man woke up.

"He's alive! Clarke!" I gasp

It was out of our control at this point. Worms emerged from his mouth and his stomach tore open.

Aurora Kom Skaikru {2}//DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now