Memento Mori

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The last thing I remember was being put down like a dog. But I was still alive. From the time Josephine woke up, I could see everything but I couldn't move my own body. I was trapped in my head and I was watching everything from a third point of view quite literally.

When I "died" I woke up in my room back at Polis except there was an array of weapons on my walls. I walk up to my first sword that Lincoln gave to me and touched it. Surprisingly, a memory of Lincoln giving me the sword appeared in my head and I could see myself standing there in front of him. I wish I could go back and see him...

I step away from the sword and touch a different one, a spear and a memory of Lexa killing the queen appears in my head but it's feels like I'm re living it.

I also had a small screen that allowed me to watch everything that Josephine was doing. Basically watching everything through her eyes.

I step outside my room and I'm back in the Ark. I notice a red door at the end of the hall, banging can be heard from it and screaming as well.

"How am I still alive?" I wonder as I walk back into my room

"It's because of me, Aurora."

I turn around to see Alie and I groan.

"I killed you. How are you here?"

"The neural mesh in your brain saved you, therefore I saved you." Alie explains as she takes a dagger off the shelf. It had a memory of when we used the EMP on Raven.

"If I were you, and in a way I am, I'd keep this one safe and hidden." Alie says, disguising it as the chip.

I nod and take the chip.

"You control your mind space, Aurora everything in here is made by you." Alie explains

"But I saw something that I've never seen before..."

"That's because someone has tried to assume your identity. But she will not succeed. Your friends know you."

"Thanks again."

I realize keeping the memory on me isn't a good idea just in case this girl who stole my body is good at fighting. I thought of a secure place and squeezed my hand then the chip disappeared.

"I'm not going to give up. I have my daughter out there and my soon to be ex husband who I need to slap some sense into." I say, determined.

"But how will I let everyone know I'm here if I can't control my own body?" I wonder turning to Alie

To my surprise, Alie is gone.

Well damn now I gotta find a way out on my own.

I look down at the screen to see Josephine inject a paralytic into Bellamy and frown.

I guess time moves more fast when I'm in here?

I have to do something quick.

Third person

"So Aurora was the Commander?" Josephine asks

"Yeah. She ascended at a really young age, I think 9? 10? I can't remember. Bellamy was very much against it at first since there was another nightblood, Luna but she refused the flame so Aurora consented to bare it." Murphy explained

"Kinda badass. I mean a kid willing to give up a normal life to become a leader?" Josephine smirks

Murphy shrugs as he puts his head down

"Hey! I'm offering you immortality, a chance at godhood, and you can't keep your eyes open?" Josephine snapped

"Yeah we'll even gods need sleep. Why don't you, by the way?" Murphy questions

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