The Garden

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We were teleported to the bottom of a river. I claw my way to the top and gasp for air. I notice Hope, Echo, and Gabriel besides me and take in my new surroundings.

"Welcome to Skyring." Hope introduces

"Creative." Echo tease

"I named it when I was 3, what do you expect?" Hope rolls her eyes

"She remembers." Gabriel smiles

We made our way to the shore where I realize I left my pack at Gabriel's camp...

"My gun. I lost it coming through." Echo sighs

"Let's hope you don't need it." I sigh

We run after Hope while trying to catch our breath

"Hope slow down! Where are you going?" Echo yells

We follow her to a small cabin with a garden outside.

"What is this place? Did you live here?" Echo asks

"Octavia said you were smart."

We then follow Hope inside where she looked under a chair for something.

"Where is it?" She stresses

Hope tears through the house to find something while I watch Gabriel pick up a weird doll

"Interesting taste in toys." He comments

"Thats not mine." She shrugs

"Is this your house or isn't it?" I question

"I was with you on Sanctum for what, a day? Given the time differential, I haven't been here for hundreds of years" she informs as she looks through some jars

"Incredible." Gabriel chuckles to himself

"Enough! We need answers, starting with where the hell is Bellamy?" Echo demands

"Once they got here, they used the bridge to take him to Bardo." Hope says

"Bardo?" I ask

"They?" Echo adds

"Yes. The next stop. They are the disciples, the guys that were chasing us in the woods. Anders said if I tagged Octavia, he would let my mother live." Hope frowns

"And Anders is?" Gabriel asks

"Head of the disciples. Now. I'm gonna go to Bardo and make sure he kept his word." Hope said, pulling out a weird key from a vase

"You traded Diyoza's life for Octavia's?" Echo furrows her brows

"No. I was not trying to kill her. I told you, it was a locater tag. I didn't have a choice. She understood." Hope sighs

"She understood?"

"Yes. My mother, my responsibility."

"You said they used the bridge. I'm assuming that's what we call the anomaly, a bridge between worlds. Is there a way to control it here, too?" Gabriel wonders

"Yes. She's standing on it." Hope looks at Echo

Echo then moves away and Hope pulls out a rug from the floor which revealed a small locked door. She used the key and opened the door then we all climbed down the ladder.

Hope lights a torch then lights up others torches in the damp cave, revealing the same stone that was at Gabriel's camp.

"I don't believe it." Gabriel chuckles

"I used to play down here as a kid. Little did I know it was a bridge to the stars." Hope explains

"So how do we get to Bardo?" I wonder

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