Sic Semper Tyrannis

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Bellamy, Indra, and I went to go see Octavia and she did not look good

"How is she?" I ask

"Her systems are shutting down." Jackson sighs

"You were there. Tell us everything that happened. Did she take anything, drink anything?" Niylah questions

"It's like I told Miller. She was eating one of your rations. Why?" Bellamy shrugged

"Because she might have been poisoned." Niylah scoffed

"Niylah, that's enough. She's his sister." Indra cuts in

"We were sharing it the Wonkru way. I ate it too and I'm fine." Bellamy explains

"Have you considered that the worm toxin might still be in her blood?" I suggest

"It's possible, making this a secondary reaction to the substance she was exposed to, but a week ago-"

"English, Jackson." Miller rolls his eyes

"Dialysis won't work. Nothing will. We need to prepare for succession." Jackson frowns

"I'll inform Wonkru. If there's any change in her condition, I want to be the first to know. Gather the first battalion and the delegates." Indra orders


Everyone was gathered in the rotunda. I was standing with Gaia and Maddie, waiting for Indra to tell everyone the news.

Indra then comes in with Miller behind her and everyone soon falls silent.

"The whispers are true. Our beloved blodrenia has fallen ill. These may be her final hours. Listen to me. I trained Octavia as my second, and I love her as I love my own child. I advised her, led her army with pride. It was her desire that if she would ever fall, I step forward and lead you. Blodrenia wanted what we all want. To live a better life in the valley. And we will, but not through war. Not when there's a better way."

"For the last six years, we have lost hundreds of our people. We can't afford to loose any more. I will negotiate for Wonkru to enter the Valley peacefully so that no more shall suffer." Indra reassured

"You're not in command here. Not even over the first battalion. Blodrenia gave that honor to me." Miller announced

"So you expect us to follow you? He's Skaikru." Brell scoffs

"There is no Skaikru and you know that."

"Miller is right. There is only Wonkru and enemies of Wonkru." Someone else adds

"That's funny coming from someone who only escaped death in this arena because our real enemies fell from the sky." Brell points out

That cause the man to push Brell and a fight to start forming.


Everyone stopped and turned to see Miller shooting in the air to get everyone's attention.

"I'm not asking you to follow me. I'm asking you to follow Octavia. Yesterday she ordered us to march on the valley, so we march for Blodrenia!" Miller yells

"Gon blodrnia!" Everyone yells, agreeing with Miller


I was brought to Gaia's room with Bellamy.

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Since Octavia is down and Everyone is still willing to march, we need you to rise again." Bellamy explains

"Is Clarke okay with this?" I question

"Uh not really... but-"

"I'll do it. We'll have to do the ascension call so everyone is reminded"

"Yes, Heda."

We walk outside and do the ascension call.

Everyone gathers around me and they all seem to recognize me. I thought most wouldn't remember due to how different I look but they were pretending to not know me all this time.

"I know most of you remember me but for those of you who don't... I am Aurora kom Skaikru and I ascended six years ago. I already bear the Flame and I will lead you once again." I announce with Gaia, Bellamy, and Maddie by my side.

"Back away from the girl."

We turn to see Miller, Clarke, and some guards holding Gaia and Bellamy at gun point. Whispers erupted around us and I hid Maddie behind me.

"I'm taking the Flame out of you. This has gone too far." Clarke seethe

"No Clarke the flame has bonded with her mind for all these years. If you take it out now, you could kill her." Gaia warns

"Quite traitor. Do it Clarke." Octavia demands

Clarke hesitated, "I can't"

"Take them to the rover. Go." Octavia orders

Clarke grabs Maddie's arm and one of the guards grabs me.

"What? No! Clarke!" Maddie and I protest and we're forcefully being dragged to the rover

"There it is." Clarke pointed out.

I was shoved into the front and Maddie into the back

"You're making a grave mistake, Clarke." I grumble

The guard then points his gun at me.

"No. No. Please."  Clarke begs

"These are my orders. Gon blodrenia."

"Put the gun down, Joroum. Yu laik Joroum kom Sangedakru, nomfa kom Lizbeth kom Sangedakru. You served with honor in the royal guard of Alexa kom Trikru. You believed in her. Now believe in me." I remind You are Joroum kom Sangedakru, son of Lisbeth kom Sangedkru.

He puts his gun down and drops down on both knees, "Heda."

Clarke being Clarke shot him in his head

"What the hell!" I gasp

"You know why I had to do that." She said before getting into the rover and driving away

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