The Queen's Gambit

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I was currently in a cell with Octavia and Echo. Octavia and I could hear Echo's soft cries even though her back was turned to us.

"I miss him too." Octavia breaks the silence

"I don't wanna talk."

"I know you're in pain, Echo. I feel it." Octavia sighs

Echo sits up and faces Octavia, "So, what? Are we friends now? I'm the monster from Hope's bedtime stories, remember?" Echo spat

"Echo, we've all done things we wish we could take back. When Lincoln died, I beat my brother. He let me. Because he thought I needed it. I wish I could take that moment back." Octavia says before hugging Echo

"I wish I hugged him instead."

"Let got of me." Echo demands, trying to push Octavia off

"No. No way. It's not your fault. I've been there. It's not your fault." Octavia reassures as Echo cries and hugs her back

"You're my family, too."


"Rora, I didn't have a good time to tell you this but while I was in M-cap, they saw the Flame go into your head. For some reason they're super interested in you because of that. They don't know that same little girl in that memory from Polis is you since you look so different... anyways, Levitt tried to press me for more information but he was reassigned and told me how to beat the machine so they weren't able to get anymore information from you." Octavia explains

"So they think I'm Heda still and for some reason they want to know more about me? But they don't know that I was Heda since they only seen me when I was a child, correct?" I ask

"Yup. I overheard them saying something about Clarke afterwards but they were too far from me so I couldn't hear what they were exactly saying." Octavia sighs

"Well thanks for the heads up, Tavia." I thank before going back to reading a book


"Something's different. There's plenty of cells, but they put us together. They're feeling us. We have blankets. Why?" I ponder

"Do you know why Azgeda warriors scarred their own faces?" Echo asks as she stood up with a shard of bloody glass in her hand


She turned to us only to reveal her scarred face with her now black blood staining her shirt.

"We do it to symbolize that the pain is over, the wound is healed, so that we never forget." She continues

"Sit down and let us call you a-"

"No. Orlando told us that all they care about is their last war. They want us to fight with them. That's why it's different. We're not prisoners. We're recruits." She says before pounding on the door

"We're ready to fight with you!" Echo yells

"Please, this is crazy." I roll my eyes

But Echo was right. The door opened for us.

We follow Echo outside to see some disciples, Hope, and Diyoza.

Anders met us outside and looked at Echo with a somewhat disguised face.

"This is how my people show they're ready to go to war." Echo explains

"Hm. I'm glad to hear that. Do the rest of you agree with Echo?" Anders asks

"All right. Free us, and we'll fight your war." I agree

"The last war will free us all. Training starts tomorrow. We'll make disciples of you yet." Anders smirks before leaving

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