The Shield

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Y'all I'm so sorry for taking so long to post :/

Third person

"Thank goodness she's still in there." Jordan sighs

"Question is, how do we get Josephine out?" Bellamy ponders

"We need Raven. She'll know what to do." Echo says

"Raven's not here." Eden points out

"Hey, we're gonna get her back. When the transport ship lands, we'll be waiting in the field with Josephine. Once we're all back on the mothership, Abby, Raven, and Jackson will go to work." Bellamy rehearsed the plan

"What if they don't open the shield and let us out?" Jackson wonders

"If they don't, Josephine dies." Echo states

"That's why they will." Clarke reassured

"What about Delilah? If Aurora is still alive, then she should be too... you only care about Aurora." Jordan frowns

"Jordan, why do you seem so... clingy to Delilah? You barely know her and she isn't our people." Madi raises her brow

"Well uh... she was just a really good friend and  uh..." Jordan trails off. He didn't want to tell Madi and his daughter that he had cheated on his wife. They'd never forgive him!

"She made really good Jo juice too." He chuckles nervously

"Yeah I'm sure that's the reason..." Eden frowns

"But anyways... we worry about Aurora now. If we start asking questions and the Primes figure out why-"

"They can't figure it out if they're dead. Once we kill the Primes, we take over Sanctum. We can use their lab to save Aurora." Madi bluntly stated

"Madi where is this coming from?" Clarke worries

"They took my sister away from me. Someone else is wearing her body but she's still there. So yeah I'm not really feeling the same anymore." Madi spat

"Both Madi and I have been keeping an eye on Miranda. We kill her and let them find the body. They'll think it's the children of Gabriel and panic, locking themselves in the palace, probably the great hall, that's where we'll be waiting to take out the rest." Eden says. Her and Madi have been planning this ever since they found out about Auroras death.

"We're not killing Delilah." Jordan denies

"If something happened between you and her just say it dad. Because you aren't really doing a good job at hiding it." Eden scowls

"I- it was an accident I swear I didn't mean for it to happen. Everything was happening so quickly... I didn't mean to have an affair!" Jordan confessed

"Wow. I honestly don't care right now because we have to save my mom but after she has her body back, I'm telling her." Eden rolls her eyes

"Echo. You think our plan is good, right?" Madi asks

"A little aggressive for the situation, but it could work if we were willing to kill all of their people along with them when they come after us for killing their gods." Echo points out

"We are." Eden and Madi say

"No, we're not. We have until the ship lands to come up with a quiet way to get Aurora on it."

"What about Murphy and Emori?" Gaia points out

"For now, we tell them noting. We have to assume that she's with him. Don't worry when it's time to go, we're taking them with us, even if we have to do it by force." Bellamy nods

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