Damocles pt. 2

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We make it back to where everyone was camping at after retreating from the gorge.

I was the last to get out and when everyone saw me, all eyes were on me.

"Heda don komba raun!" Someone yells The Commander has come!

Everyone forms a circle around me as if waiting for my instructions.

"Blodrenia is coming. Protect the Commander!" Someone yells

Everyone points their guns at Octavia. Bellamy and Echo block the way so she can't come to me.

"What're you doing?" Bellamy questions, holing his hand out

"Out of my way."

"Let her pass." I order

"Heda, that is not a-"

"I said, let her pass." I repeat

Bellamy and Echo clears the way for her and Octavia stands in front of me, sword in hand.

She then sticks her sword in the sand and drops down on one knee, bowing her head.

Everyone was in shock but quickly followed and bends a knee as well.


I was sitting at Gaia's side waiting for her to wake up. I need her. I can't do this without her.

Bellamy, Indra, and Maddie walk into the tent and stand beside me.

"It's time, Aurora. Everyone will follow you, but you have to lead them." Bellamy informs

"I don't wanna lead them into a massacre..."

"We have the numbers, Heda. As long as we press forward, we'll make it through." Indra reassured

"We'll be right beside you." Maddie adds

"I'm not worried about myself. Look around you. There has to be a better way than rushing back into those guns." I sigh

"If there is, we would've thought of it." Indra said

"Ask the Commanders." Gaia softly says

"How, Seda? They only talk to me when they want to." I frown

Gaia smiles and places her hand on my cheek, "Close your eyes. Breathe. In and out. Let this world peel away. And repeat after me: Mens mea fiat mens tua." Gaia instructed

I did as she says, "Mens mea fiat mens tua." My mind is your mind

Suddenly, I see these visions... visions of how to win the war.

"I have a plan."

Gaia hands me my headpiece.

"Of course you do."


The army was ready behind me. Everything was set up just how I envisioned it.

"We charge on my command." I order

Octavia nods with a smile.

Once I heard the explosions I knew the plan worked.

"It worked." I gasp

"Take us home." Maddie smiles

I raise my sword high up, "GYON AU!!!" CHARGE!!!

Everyone lets out a war cry before we all charge through the gorge. The men quickly retreated, not even putting up a fight.

We made it to the valley and surrounded everyone from all sides.

"Weapons down! Put down your weapons!" Bellamy orders

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