Exit Wounds

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Maddie, Clarke, Octavia, and I were in the office while Clarke changed Octavia's bandage.

"Gross" Maddie smiled

"Maddie." I scolded

"The infections passing, but this is goanna hurt. Are you sure you don't want Jackson?" Clarke furrows her brows

"Jackson's tending to Indra and the others in medbay. Just do it." Octavia reassures

Clarke applies rubbing alcohol on a rag then places the rag on the wound. Octavia barely reacts and Maddie looks at her in awe.

"Maddie's a big fan. She's heard every story about the girl under the floor who saved the human race." Clarke smirks

"Now what's your story? You survived six years of radiation? What's your secrete?" Octavia wonders

"Synthetic nightblood. Like Clarke. We took her to Becca's lab and gave her my bone marrow." I explained.

I'm a better liar than Clarke.

"You're lucky Clarke and Aurora found you."

The door opens and Cooper walks in.

"Ready to move?"

"She needs another days rest." Clarke informs

"She needs to be with her people." Cooper corrects

My people. They're my people too. God I hate pretending that Octavia is in command.

"I'm done licking my wounds. Let's go remind the others what we promised them." Octavia rolls her eyes before leaving

"Octavia's such a badass. I wish we didn't have to lie to her." Maddie frowns

"Hey we talked about this. We have to lie to everyone to keep you safe. If the grounders find out what you are, they might try to force a conclave on us." I remind


Diyoza had dropped off food and was recruiting people. Octavia being the ruthless leader she is, burned the food, knowing Diyoza is watching them.

I was with Maddie and Gaia at the Retonda. Gaia was talking about combat tactics.

"Maddie." Clarke says walking up to us

"Hey Clarke. Gaia was telling us about Wonkru combat tactics." Maddie explained

"According to Maddie, she's encountered our enemy. Perhaps she could train with our novitiates and tell them about it."

"Thank you but Maddie's not Wonkru, she's Shadow Valley." Clarke declines her offer

"So that's how you survived. Is it true that Praimfaya missed the entire valley?" Gaia wonders

"Yes but that's not how I survived. Aurora used her bone marrow to make me a nightblood." Maddie lies

"Gaia, would you excuse us..." Clarke asks

Gaia nods and walks off. Probably to her room.

"Before you say anything Clarke, I didn't tell Gaia anything. But she wouldn't say anything anyways because she's still loyal to me." I point out

"I know but we can't have Maddie train with them. You know why." Clarke frowns


It was now nightfall and Maddie and I were fast asleep in our tent.

I was suddenly woken up by Clarke, "We're defecting. Come on it's not safe for you or Maddie. I already packed."

"I- what"

"This is not up for discussion. Niylah knows Maddie is a true nightblood. I don't know what Octavia will do to her... to you!" Clarke whisper yells

I sigh and nod. Clarke's stubborn and would force me to come with her either way. She may favor Maddie but she still cares for me.

We see Bellamy and decided we should tell him.

"Maddie wait here." Clarke sighs

We walk up to Bellamy, confused on why Echo is defecting

"Echos defecting?" I ask

"Uh not exactly. Come on I'll tell you in the bunker." Bellamy replies

"Bellamy, we're leaving too. It's not safe for us here." Clarke blurts

"Clarke you don't understand. Echos defecting so we can take down the eye and once it's down-"

"No you don't understand. Diyoza is the least of our concerns. Your sister is dangerous, and Maddie's.." Clarke trails off looking towards Maddie

Only Maddie wasn't there

"Maddie? Maddie!" Clarke and I yell

Clarke runs to the tent and looks around before coming back,

"She's gone. We have to find her. Now."

We search around and notice the ship is already here meaning we're goanna miss it.

"They're shooting defectors!" I gasp

People were being shot by someone above high ground. This wasn't the plan.

We find the person shooting the defectors and it just so happens to be Cooper.

"Cooper! What the hell is wrong with you? Octavia said to let them go." Bellamy yells

"Who do you think gave me the order?" Cooper rolled her eyes before walking past us


We found Maddie with Octavia and Maddie had told her she was a true nightblood. Octavia reassured us she would protect Maddie and she would start training tomorrow.

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