The Children of Gabriel

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"Uhh. Guys." Clark's eyes widen as the rest of the citizens pool into the courtyard

"Remember, we're in their home. Everyone keep calm." Bellamy reassured us as he put his gun down along with the rest of our people.

"Abby, stay with Murphy." I order

"Rose, get away from them!"

"Protect the host!"

"Hey it's okay! We're from Earth. We come in peace." Clarke frantically stated

Guards surround us, pointing gold spears in our faces as someone pulls Rose away from us, shooting a rude glare in our direction.

"Kaylee where is your family? Where have you been?" A woman asks our hostage

Kaylee grimaces, "they killed them."

"That's not good..." Jordan realizes

Suddenly Murphy gasps for air and begins to have a seizure.

Abby rolls him on his side and hold his head, worried for his life

"Help us, please. Our friend's dying." Clarke pleads

Murphy stops seizing and rolls on his back

"He's not breathing..." Abby worries as she begins to pump his chest

"Let me pass." We hear someone command

We turn to the source of the voice to see a man with grey hair. We can only assume he's the leader.

"Move them back." He orders

"What are you doing? He'll die." Abby reminds and the guards move her and Clarke away

"You want my help or not?" The man asks

The leader crouches down and lifts up Murphy's shirt to reveal black veins all over his body. I've never seen anything like this...

"He's already dead. Fortunately for him, death is not the end. Cillian." The man calls out

A man with a fancy bag goes to Murphy and takes out a snake.

"We call it kepa-she, means hideous snake in Chinese." The man explains as the healer allows the snake to bite Murphy

"Oh my gosh." I gasp

"Trust me I know but the venom degrades too quickly to deliver it in any other form." The healer reassures us

"It's working..." Clarke gasps

"Amazing, isn't it? It's curative properties were discovered during one of the earliest red suns. Poison made the demon Gabriel believe he could walk on water. The kepa-she bit him, and the toxin from the seaweed had no effect." The leader explains

Who is Gabriel and why do these people hate him?

Murphy wakes up after the black stuff is out of his system and we all sigh in relief.

"Well done, Cillian. Now lock them up." He orders

The guards surround us and roughly grab us, taking us somewhere while we shout in protest.


"Why is he not waking up?" Bellamy questions, referring to Murphy

"He will." Clarke reassures

"I can't believe I did this to him." Emori frowns

"Emori, you didn't, I did." Bellamy comforts

"Who cares? We need to get out of this place." Octavia grumbles

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