The Dark Year

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"I need you to swallow this tube, okay?" Clarke sniffles, shoving a tube down Abby's throat

She gags a bit but Clarke was able to get the tube down.

"Ok. Give me the saline. I need you to hold the funnel up high, ok?" Clarke instructs

Maddie nods, holding the funnel up as Clarke pours the liquid in

Abby begins to cough and Clarke takes the tube out. Abby then vomits out the drugs that was in her system.

"Doc, we ready to get back to work?"

We look up to see Mccreary open the door with a bottle of pills in his hands.

"How the hell did you get here?"


"She's awake."

Clarke and I rush over to Abby and she looks absolutely terrible to be honest.



Abby sighs and shakes her head, realizing what happened

"I don't want you to see me like this." She mumbled

"Mom, I need you. We're in trouble. Octavia's army will be here in five days. Unless we treat Mccreary's people..."

"Clarke, no!" Maddie and I protest

"Maddie, Aurora this is not up for discussion."

"I saw her picture. Who is she?" Abby questions

"It's a long story. Right now, we have to focus on getting you on your feet so you can operate." Clarke sighs

"No. Those people. Mccreary-"

"Is a murderer and a sociopath who happens to need the same thing we do. too to stop Octavia." Clarke adds

"He threatened to kill us, didn't he?" Maddie asks

"Yes. I don't like this anymore than you do. But if we help him, we live. His people went to war. We worry about the rest later. Mom, your heart rates week and you're not retaining fluid. I'm worried if you take any more of these to function-" Clarke shows the pills

"You're right. My system's too compromised." Abby admits

"Then how do we do this? A detox takes too long. You have 24 hours to be operating again." Clarke informs

"First you get rid of the pills. Then I want you to get my bag. It's under the bed. There's an opiate blocker in the bag I used to give them in the bunker. Tramadol. That'll put me into rapid detox. If my heart stops, there's adrenaline in there, too." Abby explains


"It didn't happen the last time."

"Last time? How long has this been going on?" Clarke gasps

"Too long. administer with the IV. 20 CCS to start. You need to tie me down first." Abby sighs


"Because I don't want to hurt you." Abby frowns

As soon as Clarke put Abby into rapid detox, she tried to break free and was basically a different person. I couldn't listen to this so I stepped outside and sat on the steps.

I watched Mccreary's men pass by, stopping for a second when they hear Abby's screams. I roll my eyes and ended up waiting for a good 20 minuets before going back inside.


Clarke, Maddie, and I were sitting on a couch and Clarke was examining the pill that ruined Abby.

"You saved her life. Are you really gonna save theirs?" Maddie questions

"I'm tired, Maddie. Let's talk about this later."

"I love you, Clarke, but we're on the wrong side of this war." I place my hand on her shoulder

"Maybe. But you get to live."

"Living with ourselves is another story." I point out

I started to grow tired and Maddie and I fell asleep on Clarke's bed. We probably haven't slept on a bed in ages.


Maddie and I watched Clarke and Abby operate from a distance. The room was filled with men in coughing fits. It was disgusting.

"Kill them Aurora"

"You have the chance"

"Their vulnerable and sick"

"Do it, Heda"

I take out my knife and walk towards the man Clarke was operating on which was Mccreary but before any of them could see me, Clarke grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

"Are you out of your mind?" Clarke whisper-yells

"Are you? One death and this war is over." I scoff

"We've been through this. Like it or not, we're on his side." Clarke stated

"How can you still be against Octavia after what your mom said went on down there?" Maddie huffed

"She murdered her own people to break their will." Clarke scoffs

"I know that. As awful as it was, taking away their choice, putting it all on her, she bore it so that they didn't have to, just like you at Mount weather." I remind

"What are you talking about?" Maddie questions.

"That's another story for another day." Clarke says

"She's not so proud of it. Are you, Wanheda? You were always the hero until now. I'm ashamed of you." I grumble

"I did those things for my people. Now you're my people. Maddie will hear about that story when I believe she is ready." Clarke sighs

"Clark I need your help." Abby calls out

"I'll be right there. I never said I was a hero, Aurora because I'm not one." Clarke shrugs before walking back to Abby

Maddie and I exchange glances before sitting down on the bed.

"This sucks."

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