Adjustment Protocol

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While Russell stitched me up, he caught me up on everything I missed while I was away.

"When everyone sees us return at once, they will fall to their knees." Russell reassures after telling me about non believers rising

"There. How do you feel?" Russell asks as I get up

I look around the room to see Abby, Raven, and Jackson. I wanted to hug them all so badly but I had to keep my persona up

"Peachy keen Josephine." I smile

All three of them kept staring me down, waiting for me to hug them but I couldn't break character

"Stop looking at me like that, I'm not her." I scoff

"I will kill you for this." Abby cries

"I believe you. How many doses of the serum do you have?" Russell asks

"Four. Including the one your people took to the machine shop for Simone." Jackson frowns

"Six Primes must be resurrected tonight. That's two more doses." Russell says

"Madi wouldn't survive that." Abby informs

"If it's too hard for you to continue, my healers will take your place. They're already familiar with the process." Russell shrugs

"No. I can do it."

"Good, remember this was the deal that saved you from the pyre. I'd hate for that to change." Russell threatens before we leave


I enter the palace with Russell who wanted to get me sometime to eat and handle some naming day shit. I insisted I was fine and told him to have Pryia do it.

"If I spend one more minuet like this, I will combust from shame." I joke

"Go get changed. I'll resurrect your mother." Russell says

"Wait. Does that mean Echo's still alive?" Emori wonders

What happened to Echo...

"What she's saying is now that anyone can be a nightblood, maybe you use someone else?" Murphy interjects

"Oh stop your whining. Do you wanna be immortal or not? Because if you become Primes and this revolution spreads, they're coming for you, too." I warn

I turn to Russell, "I wanna be there when mom comes back. Wait for me?"

"Of course sweetheart. Be quick."

I nod before walking to Josephine's room. I quickly change and make my way to the lab to see Abby, Jackson, Raven, and a knocked out Madi.

At first they were taken aback but when I embraced Abby in a hug, they knew it was really me.

"I thought... how?" Raven gasps

"It's a long story but I'm ok." I smile

"We're just so glad you're alive." Raven says

I hug her tightly before wiping away a tear.

"Raven, I need you to come with me to lower the shield. Bellamy and Octavia are waiting with the CoGs." I inform

"Aurora, I can't go with you. If I'm not allowed outside, what makes you think they'll let you take me anywhere alone?" Raven points out

"Okay you're right. I'll use Ryker. The reactor's beneath the machine shop anyways." I say

"No. Ryker turned Echo in. He won't help you."

Aurora Kom Skaikru {2}//DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now