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Since Josephine was asleep, I had nothing to watch but now I was able to let my plan commence. My guess is she would be on her side so all I have to do is go through her door and kill her then I get back my body.

I mentally prepare myself before walking to the red door and opening it only to be met face to face with a blond hair girl who was a couple of inches shorter than me.

"Aurora Green. It's nice to meet you. I've heard so many things, most of them murdery, but, you know, no judgement..." Josephine smirks

"Josephine?" I gasp, playing dumb

"In the flesh, but you shouldn't have opened that door. This body is not big enough for the both of us." Josephine says

"Russell really sole my body, huh." I huff

"And clearly made a mess of it. It's been hundreds of years since a mind wipe failed, but I gotta say, this isn't bad, not as organized as my mindspace, of course, but mildly impressive." Josephine half complimented

"Mindspace?" I question

"The brain creates these constructs when two minds share a body, like lucid dreaming only not as fun. It's a self-preservation thing, trying to keep the minds separate so the body dosent die. You kinda messed that up when you opened my door." Josephine explains

"Wait. Roughly how many times have you been through this?" I wonder, remembering seeing the skeletons of the past Primes through her eyes

"A lot. Before Gabriel perfected the mind wipe, there were a few mishaps. I got jacked into some people's minds while the lights were still on." She sighs

"Well what happened?"

"The first was a 6-month-old. Her mind was unformed, full of chaos, shapes and sounds. Then there was Savannah. I swear I was not that obnoxious at 15." Josephine chuckles

"And then they died..." I realize

"Brain hemorrhaging leads to stroke, and we all fall down. It's messy and hurts like a mother, would not recommend it. Two minds, one brain never ends well, so this, it's a problem. How did you survive?" Josephine wonders

"Like I'd tell you. You only wanna know so you can get rid of me. I'm not dumb." I roll my eyes

"Ok. Weren't you listening? If we don't do something, this body dies. That what you want?" Josephine scoffs

"Of course not. Why can't you just find a willing host and give my body back?" I frown

"I could, I suppose, but it's risky. The last p
Primes who went on ice died forever. I'm not really into that. Besides, possession is 9/10 of the law, and between just us girls, I kind of like your body." Josephine winks

"You're a sociopath."

"Judgy. Besides, like you have one to talk, Heda. The way I see it, you have two options- tell me how you survived so I can fix it, and I'll make sure your people live happily ever after or don't, and eventually we both die, anyway and I'll be reborn in someone else, tell my father what happened, and he'll kick your people out to die in the woods." Josephine warns

"Go float yourself." I say

"I have no idea what that means." Josephine shakes her head

"It means I'm not goanna tell you anything and I don't go down easily."

"Wow. You're selfish. And dumb. Your mindspace contains all your memories, so try not to think of where you keep them." Josephine smirks

This is my moment!

Aurora Kom Skaikru {2}//DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now