Damocles Pt. 1

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Abby was finishing up on the last man and we heard the war going on over the radio. Gunfire and sounds of people dying were all I could hear.

Clarke sighs and turns off the radio, not wanting to hear my people die.

"Octavia would've killed us." Clarke justifies

"Clarke, they're getting slaughtered." I say

"We made our choice."

"No you made yours. You just dragged Maddie and I along the way." I fire back

"Let's do this."

Clarke sighs and walks away to help Abby.

Maddie and I nod at each other, having the same idea. I grab the keys and we slowly and silently climb through the already open window and quickly run to the rover.

Once we get to the rover, Maddie stops for a moment.

"Is there a way to change the passphrase? So no one can take the Flame out?" Maddie asks

"There is, why?"

"Well Clarke might try to take it out again without asking." Maddie points out

"You're right. Start the rover." I nod, throwing her the keys

We jump into the rover and I manage to change the password to the Flame.

"It's not turning on." Maddie frantically says


"It won't start. I took out the conductor. Now let's go." Clarke orders

Maddie and I roll our eyes, "fine then we'll walk."

Clarke blocks the way and we try to push past. She's stronger than she looks but then again we're not trying to hurt her.

"Let go of us!" I yell

"Aurora, ascende superius." Clarke spat

We both take a step back and Clarke's eyes widen when nothing happens.

"You took out the conductor, I changed the passphrase. It was Maddie's idea actually. I'm not a child anymore Clarke. I'm not the same girl who was sent with you on the ground that was mute. I'm the Commander and my people are dying." I remind

Clarke nods and pulls Maddie and I in for a group hug.

Suddenly I feel cold metal clasp onto my neck.

I take two steps back and Maddie's eyes widen. Before she could do anything, Clarke collars her too.

"I will not let you two die in this war."

Maddie and I walk past Clarke only to be shocked. The pain reminded me of when we were first collared. It just so damn much.

I look over at Maddie and tears brimmed at my eyes. Seeing her in pain hurts more than this collar.


Maddie and I were sleeping at the church but were suddenly woken up by Echo of all people.

"It's ok Maddie we can trust them." I reassure

"We're not here to hurt you." Raven whispers

"Raven!" I whisper-yell while hugging her

"I know why you're here. You think Wonkru will follow me into that gorge. What are you waiting for? Take off the collar before Clarke gets back." I order

Raven smirks, "safe to say she's not mother of the year."

"You know it's nice to finally meet you." Maddie gushes

"Yeah I missed you." I add

"Mind talking to someone else, Rora? I'd like your head to not explode." Raven chuckled

I nod and keep my mouth shut.

Suddenly the door opens and Clarke comes in with a gun pointed at Raven.

"Get the hell away from them."

"Hey Clarke. Haven't seen you in 6 years. This is how you say hello?" Raven smirks

"Clarke put down the gun. These are your friends." Maddie orders

"Quiet Maddie. Now Raven. Back away. You too Shaw. Weapons down." Clarke ignores

"Do as she says." Echo insists

Clarke grabs Maddie and I and hides us behind her.

"Sorry Clarke."

I kick the gun out of her hand and Echo tackles Clarke down, throwing some punches at her.

"I'll get their collar."

Raven quickly takes off our collars while Echo basically kicks Clarke's ass.

"Ekou, daun's pleni." I order Echo that's enough

"She left Bellamy to die!" Echo protested

"Now or we won't come with you."

Echo sighs and let's go of Clarke

"You're not going anywhere." Clarke coughs

"She had her mic open. We have to go now." Echo gasps

Before we could make it to the door, Mccreary and some of his men barge in.

Damn it Clarke.

"Take our pilot and his girlfriend back to the ship." Mccreary smirks

Two men leave with Raven and Shaw. Probably off to torture them.

"Kill the spy."

"Wait. We need to talk to her."

"What do they want from her?" Mccreary questions, pointing to me

"I don't know. But if you kill Echo, we'll never find out." Clarke lies

Mccreary nods before knocking Echo out.

"You two stay here. When they're done talking, kill her. Thank you, Clarke. Now that we have our missiles back, it's time to end this." Mccreary chucked before leaving


Once Echo woke up, Clarke explained how as soon as they stop talking, the men will kill her.

Echo told Clarke how Bellamy was still alive and Clarke's face was priceless

When I told Clarke I protected her and Maddie out of love, she scolded me saying how all commander's usually tell me love is weakness

But I told her one commander says otherwise.

She knew who I was talking about.

I told Clarke about the visions from Mount Weather. Lexa's point of view exactly. She shows me this because she doesn't want Clarke to make the same mistake that she did.

I explained that to Clarke and I guess she understood because she shot the two guards who were about to kill Echo.

Clarke quickly cuts Echo free while she mumbles "good choice."

"We need to get to the front before the missiles do. We can take the rover." I say

"Good. Murphy and Emori have one of the sonic cannons." Echo explains

"Clarke there's no time. We have to go." Maddie says

"No you have to go. I have to stop that transport ship from taking off so Aurora can lead everyone through the gorge." Clarke explains

"Here you'll need this to start the rover. Remember where it goes?" Clarke asks, handing the part to Maddie

She nods before hugging her. I smile and hug Clarke too and all three of us quickly make our way to the rover


We drive to the gorge, firing at the pillbox and see Octavia on her knees, in front of the light.

"Octavia get in now!" Echo yells

Once Octavia, Bellamy, Gaia, and Indra are safely in, I drive away.

Aurora Kom Skaikru {2}//DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now