Chapter 72- A witch's soulmate

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Your Pov

Enterprise: Hey, Y/N, what were you dreaming about?!

You: Ah... oh... it's just a dream, I could have sworn that it isn't. It's nothing Enty, just a nightmare. (To be honest, I don't know either, who is that witch lady? Whoever it is, she's quite cute. Oh well, can't think of that now, time for bed. Then again, she looked a lot like Thunder)

Time skip

I woke up the next morning tired for some reason. I then washed up for the day and went to my office.

August: Y/N

You: Oh, morning August.

August: The previous mission you sent me and my fleet wasn't so bad, in fact, it was quite easy.

You: I wouldn't count on that, a single mistake would-

August: Come on now, I can't make you fuss over something so trivial and so simple, I expect high expectations, you better not betray them, my familiar.

You: Yes, August

3rd Person Pov

Thunderwas nearby when she saw Y/N and August talking with each other.

Thunder: Familiar? Y/N and that other woman seem to be quite close with each other... what does familiar even mean? (I haven't even taken notes of that but since it's my first day ever since I was revived, I'll let it slide... then again, that woman is August Von Parseval, the witch of Iron Blood... witch... familiar... Master and servant?)

Thunder placed all the pieces together i til she came to one final conclusion

Thunder: (Could they be doing something kinky?! I mean, no one would do that unless they have some sort of kink, they must have acted innocent in the past... but behind the scenes...)

You: Oh, morning Thunder, how is your time here?

Thunder: It's fine but why didn't you tell me that you and this witch is doing some kinky things behind the scenes huh?

You: Excuse me but what? Of course not, we have never-

August: Ara~ For someone as close to Y/N, I never expected for you to figure it out, as expected of a Tactical Doll.

You: WHAT?!?!

Thunder: I knew it, I thought you were a good person but turns out that you were just a play boy, I thought that you were different, you even gave me attention, how could you?!

August: (Uh oh~ My Y/N is in a pickle, let's see how he gets out of this situation here, hehe)

You: August and I aren't in that relationship (yet) and besides, if anyone likes me, they'd just be added to my harem. Besides, I wouldn't do that mind of thing to you

August: Don't always jump to conclusions, Y/N won't always be so predictable and you should be more careful.

Thunder: I see. Fine, I'll trust you on this one

You: It was all said by August but regardless, I'm happy that you understand, Thunder

You: It was all said by August but regardless, I'm happy that you understand, Thunder

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Thunder: T-Thanks... Y/N... s-see you later...

August: ... Hey, Y/N

You: What is it?

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You: What is it?

August then gets mad as she steps on Y/N's foot and need to remind you, August wears heels, so the impact was more dangerous and more panful than the average foot stomp.

You: Ow what was that for?!

August: Hmph... I can't believe you...

You: What?! What did I do, August!

August: People cannot say no to their hearts. Much like I cannot refute my love for you, you cannot deny your feelings for me. That is the link that binds us together. So, I propose a date, just the 2 of us, no interferences, just me. And. You.

You: Uh...

August: Admit it, I know you're shy to admit your feelings towards your master~ Me.

August give me a peck on the cheek as I blushed a little before walking away. I then felt something behind me and it was a note from August

August: Call me~

You: That witch... *sigh* Well, time for the next mission

Time skip

You: Richelieu, you, Battleship, too strong, explain yourself!

Shoukaku: She prayed to Kami

You: The fuck's a Kami?!

Zuikaku: Basically God.


E-Chan: Do you really believe in you own hype that much, father?


Richelieu: E-Chan, how long has he been like this?

E-Chan: Dunno, maybe a few days or so, his sanity was lost to the endless amounts of paperwork

Zuikaku: Ah... so that's why he's acting like that. Well, we got sirens and I'm the flag ship, let's go!

Everyone: Oh!

Time skip

We all went on a our assigned mission. My sanity is low. A few minutes later, we met with sirens so we started the battle. It was about a few minutes that went by, everything was going well until...

 It was about a few minutes that went by, everything was going well until

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E-Chan: Aah!!

Zuikaku: E-Chan! Don't worry, we're going to bring you back, hang in there!

E-Chan was hit in the heart by a beam with a siren's laser. Without her heart, E-Chan... perished

E-Chan: I'm sorry... dad...

You: Uh... Ah... MY BABY GIRL!!!! YOU ASSHOLES!!!!

Zuikaku: VEGETA NO!


I fired my cannons like a mad man for the injury of my own daughter as the flames died down, I panted heavily and people to be affected like my daughter

You: Never in my life I needed something until I received it. Come on, we're going home, I refuse anymore injuries

Richelieu: Understood

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