~ Chapter 2 ~

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Heyy sorry It toke a while to update but here I am guys. I hope your having a good day if not message me :)

|Niall's POV|
I woke up feeling sore.Fuck this dumbass bed. Even the fucking dog gets better treatment than his own son.He gives the dog everything he wants.

On the other hand, I sleep in the basement and basically on the floor! The mofo even gives me the dog food instead of the dog!

Sometimes I think that my mum hit him too hard on the head, and he has some issues up there. Does he think I'm a dog?!

Oh shit... I think I might need to get him checked out .You can never be to sure.I don't know what is going up in his fucking mind.Who in their right mind kills his own wife and abuses his own child?

I wish I could have had a better dad. A better life. Anything but this I call " home."
I literally have no one. No brother.No mum. Not even a friend.I get severely lonely and it's hard having no one to turn to in the time of need.

What's the purpose of waking up when all I see is darkness surrounding me all the damn time.

My days consist of being hurt In all 3 ways. Physically, emotionally, and Mentally.It's not only one day..it's every single fucking day.

I try so hard to forget everything I have gone through all these years but I can't.
I have these bad thoughts that come into my head and I can't control them at all.I wonder how much better the world would be without me, and who would miss me. Who would care anyway ?  NO ONEE!!!

I have seen shit that no 8 year old kid should see.My mum being murdered by my own flesh and blood.
He makes my skin crawl I can't even think of him without feeling goosebumps race all over my body.

He deserves to go to hell for all the pain he's caused me I hope the police find him and he goes to jail to rot.My Mum deserves justice.One of these days I know she will get just that.


I can't believe today is my first day of school!! I'm so excited ! I can finally leave this prison and go outside and see the light!
The only problem is...how am I gonna get there?Where is the school even located? What is this thing people call..Homework??

What the hell is a homework. Oh well, I guess I'll find out when I get to school.

I wonder how i'm even going to get ready. I don't have a mirror,or any decent clothes for that matter.See? This is what I'm talking about, I have nothing. zero. zilch .

The bastard left for work so at least I can get out the basement in peace,and not have to worry about him harassing me.

I ran up the long narrow steps and unlocked my door to go into the kitchen.
I LOOK AT THE Clock,which I don't have in my room ,and I have no idea what time it is.

OH SHIT I ONLY HAVE 5 MINUTES TO GET READY !! Omg this can't be happening on my first day of school! What is wrong with me? I don't want to make a bad first impression!!

I went to the bathroom and looked at my reflection.I hated what I saw staring back at me.The person I was just a few years ago was gone.

I had a huge bruise on my face it was blue and purple and it looked disgusting ( his accent ahh )

How am I supposed to cover this up?! I can't have a bruise this big,it covers most of my right cheek! I swear to god I really need a way to cover this up quick.

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