〖悲劇 | TRAGEDY〗

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Everyone was in a deep sleep, except the swordsmiths that continued to work day and night to aid the Demon slayers

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Everyone was in a deep sleep, except the swordsmiths that continued to work day and night to aid the Demon slayers.

There was a sudden announcement of intruders in the village. Man-eating intruders that hunt only at night.

(y/n) was cuddled up with her mother in the room until a sound of screaming broke the silence of that night. Both (y/n) and her mother woke up startled by the scream.

" (y/n), go pack your things now sweetheart, we must go.." her father rushed to her and urged her to pack.

Still drowsy from the sleep she rubbed her eyes, confused of what was happening. The front door slammed against the wall abruptly, and that's when she met the pair of red eyes.

Her father scooped her up from the floor and ran towards the back door. " Run into the woods (y/n), don't ever look back! "

Tears shone in her father's eyes, as he stressed the confused girl. Assuming her parents were going to abandon her, she denied and cried. " No I don't want to! Please don't leave me!"

A last embrace with a heavy heart, she was pushed outside forcefully and fell to the ground. Forcing herself to run further from the house, she took a glance, witnessing the tragic sight.

Her mother was killed first, following her father wielding his sword to defend themselves. However, both of them were slaughtered. Within the blink of an eye, she lost everything she had, what was left was the forever scar.

The pain was unbearable.

Dawn was still hours away, she ran in the darkness of night. Forcing her feet to run, each step she took felt heavy. With screams echoing throughout the woods, her eyes swam with tears as she ran further.

Until she bumped into something twice her size, the only thing visible was the pair of pale yellow eyes flaring at her. She was horrified and continued to run without looking back.

The first rays of sunlight lit up the woods, and she found herself entering another village. The sight was tragic as well, houses were burned down with corpses laying all over the place.

It was a gruesome sight.

Soft cries can be heard in one of the houses as she met another girl in her teens, they both had similar fates. And ever since then, they lived for each other.

Throughout the years, she would still look back at the woods, hoping someday her parents might come back for her. Even though she already accepted the fact that they won't come back, it's just a thought to comfort herself.

That incident left her traumatized. She needed to overcome, the fear of losing someone.

One thing that hadn't changed throughout the years is the man-eating creatures. Demons, their kind multiply each year.

Winter colors daubed the land in colors of brown and grey, as the icy wind whistled through the branches of trees. It was her favorite time of the year, she wandered in the woods, admiring the nature around her.

She was casually walking until she slipped, "Ah-"

She felt a hand grabbing and pulling her backward, saving her from the deadly fall. The snowflakes scattered on her face as she was lying on her back.

" Need a hand ? " a hand outstretched toward her.

Her eyebrows snapped together as she saw the "Upper three" written in the pair of pale yellow eyes. "S- stay back f- from me!"

Wielding her sword, she pointed it directly at him.

" How rude, you should thank me. " he scoffed with his hands crosse.

 " he scoffed with his hands crosse

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