〖討つ| AVENGE〗

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It was like a typical sight from a slaughterhouse, the upper two demon was gobbling up the bodies of his female cult followers. Both (y/n) and Shinobu were teary-eyed at the smell of the blood, staining the floor.

" I see you bought a friend~" Douma grinned.

"You! It was you who killed my sister!" Shinobu shouted, clenching her fists. The sight enraged her, recalling the incident of her beloved sister.

"Ahh! I remember her! That butterfly girl ~ " Douma grinned. He walked toward a corpse and picked it up, placing it on his chest. The corpse was seen slowly absorbing into his body.

" If wasn't because of the sun, she would've lived happily inside me," he chuckled.

Shinobu rushed toward the demon following (y/n) behind her. However, their attacks were meaningless, it was like a mere wound to him.

" That's all you got? Now it's my turn then~ " he said. "Blood demon art: Cold White Princesses. "

Two female humanoid figures appeared, blowing cold icy air toward them. The surrounding wood bridges and water were instantly frozen.

" (y/n) do not inhale the air! Hold your breath or you'll die freezing! " Shinobu yelled while piercing her sword through Douma's neck.

Before she could pull out her sword, Douma released another of his Blood Demon Technique which was the Frozen Lotus.

The technique slashed through Shinobu's body as she collapse to the ground. The wisteria poison in her sword wasn't enough to weaken the demon.

"Shinobu!" a familiar voice was heard behind as the shoji fall apart. Kanao and Inosuke joined them to attack the upper two demon.

"Oh you poor thing~ I shall give you a painless death then. " Douma smirked and picked Shinobu up, slowly beginning to absorb her.

"Let her go-" (y/n) stopped as she noticed Shinobu's signal. Her eyes widened as the realization hit.

Shinobu had spent most of her lifetime consuming a large amount of wisteria poison. The wisteria poison blended with her blood, making her body a major weapon in killing demons. She was letting the demon absorb her, so she could kill him.

Just as the demon thought he won the battle, he suddenly felt his face falling apart. His body no longer regenerated.

"What? What is happening ?" he said touching his face.

"You mess with the wrong girl Douma! Aim for his neck now! " (y/n) yelled.

All three of them ran toward the confused demon and pierced his neck. With just one slash, Inosuke managed to slice off the demon's neck.

The surroundings then began to rumble and shake. (y/n) was separated from Kanao and Inosuke as she landed on the floor of another room.

Her vision went blurry and squirmed as she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. Placing her hand gently on the wound, realizing she was bleeding.

"Ugh, I'm bleeding," she gasped, trying to steady her breathing.


A familiar voice caught her off guard. She looked up, seeing her former lover standing from across the room. A wave of feelings came flooding her thoughts along with the memories.

It's been 2 years since their last meeting, and she didn't how to react.
It pains her to know that her lover killed her mentor. It hurt, choosing between them both.

He slowly approached her, "You should go while you still can. I can sense-"


He was trying to approach and abruptly stopped. She gently got up from the ground while pressing on the wound, the bleeding has finally stopped.

"What do you mean? This is not your fight (y/n), just go!" Akaza sneered, taking a few steps forward to her.

"This is my fight Akaza!" she yelled, pulling out her sword and aiming at him. "Fight me like how you fight him."

"Him?" he chuckled, looking at the sword she held tightly in her hands. "So you replaced him huh? Is that someone you looked up to? Weak."

"I won't allow you to insult him," she stressed.

Without hesitation, (y/n) charged forward and attacked, giving him a few slashes on his arm.

Akaza didn't attack her back, instead, he was trying to avoid her. He managed to grip her wrists and pulled her forward.

"I won't remind you again (y/n)! Just go!" he fumed.

"We both knew that this day would come," she whimpered, tears started to fill her eyes.

Akaza let out a deep sigh, still trying to talk her out. But she was determined to fight him, the pain she needed to bear is agonizing.

(y/n) didn't stop, she continuously attacked him with her breathing techniques, even though it was meaningless.

"Destructive Death: Air Type" He punched the air, activating his Blood Demon Art.

The punches turned into shockwaves hitting (y/n) as she collapse to the ground. She could feel her bones break as blood was dripping from her mouth.

" Please (y/n) just go now! " Akaza begged, he didn't want to fight her, he couldn't.

"I'm here to fulfill my duties, and this is our nature Akaza. Humans and demons are bound to kill each other," she stated.

As she was about to attack him again, the shoji behind her suddenly opened, and she felt something went through her body.

The intense pressure on her abdomen sent shockwaves of pain. A sword has pierced through her body from behind.

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