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The rain finally stopped and the sound of water dripping echoed through the house

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The rain finally stopped and the sound of water dripping echoed through the house. Both of them were sleeping soundly from exhaustion.

As the cold night breeze blew through the curtains, a slight whimper was heard from Akaza.

A blurry image of a woman came running towards him smiling brightly, then suddenly the scene changed into a bloody sight. The bodies of an older man and the woman can be seen lying in the room, stiff and lifeless with no sign of breathing. He stood there, eyes widened by the sight.

" How pity of them! Both Koyuki-chan and her father were poisoned! ", voices echoed throughout the space.

Akaza slowly approached the woman's body and held her crying dearly.

" Koyuki " he whimpered.

The scene changed again into a pitch-black background. Only a pair of red eyes glaring at him was visible," Akaza, didn't you want to become stronger? "

He abruptly woke up, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. It was a warning, a sign that the demon king is furious about his doings.

(y/n) woke up as well, scanning his terrified expression. This was the first time she'd seen him in this state.

" What's wrong? Are you alright? "

"Ughh no it's nothing, just a nightmare," he replied, planting a kiss on her forehead.

They laid back on the bed, she was fast asleep but not for him. He was anxious, that she might end up dead because of him.

The dawn was breaking, and Akaza knew that he needed to leave before the sun rises. He gently tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead.

" I'll see you soon," he whispered in her ears as she squirm slightly.

She was still in deep slumber, as Akaza make his leave.

Soon the sun rises, and rays of sunlight peaked through the curtains shining directly toward her. She was awake and began to stretch. Her body felt sore all over from last night.

Turning over at the ruffled sheets, a small smile formed in the corner of her mouth as she recalled the steamy scene last night. She got up and stood in front of the mirror, trailing her fingers at the spot he'd left kisses.

She was madly in love with him.

Completely ignoring the fact that her lover was a demon yet a strong one among the Twelve Kizuki.

They were like a normal couple. Stolen kisses, night strolls, and just doing almost everything together. They had this picture-perfect life planned.

But, happiness doesn't last long in their fantasy.

But, happiness doesn't last long in their fantasy

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❈ 運命 | DESTINY ❈ 【AkazaXFem!Reader】Where stories live. Discover now