〖絶望 | DESPAIR〗

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It was another usual sunny morning as white clouds drifted across the sky

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It was another usual sunny morning as white clouds drifted across the sky. (y/n) woke up early today to meet up with Haru-chan downtown.
They haven't seen each other since Haru-chan's marriage and decided to plan lunch together.

They headed downtown, the major trading center. People started to crowd the market since dawn to buy fresh goods. Haru-chan went to buy some vegetables and (y/n) went to look for some fruits.

Whilst she was picking some fruits, the man standing opposite her caught her attention. Her eyes were glued to his arm, there were 2 black stripes around his wrists.

" You wouldn't want to date someone like him (y/n)." Haru-chan whispered, causing her to jolt slightly.

She instantly looked away," Ah no! I- I'm just curious with the lines on his arm."

" Those are criminal tattoos. Each line represents the number of times he committed crimes."

(y/n)'s eyes widened at her reply.

" Well, there's this tale of a teen killing 67 dojos with bare hands. " Haru-chan continued.

" Bare hands! Is that possible? " (y/n) shrieked as they both sat on a bench at a nearby park.

Haru-chan nodded. " Yeah, he pulverized them to the point where their corpses were not recognizable."

(y/n)'s upper lip pulled up, she felt disgusted as she tried to imagine the gruesome scene. "I'm sure he had a reason."

"Indeed. He was devastated by the death of his fiance and father-in-law. They were poisoned by an heir of the rival dojo."

"While we thought only Demons are brutal." (y/n) replied, feeling sympathy for the poor girl.

"Yeah, poor Koyuki had just recovered from her illness." Haru-chan sighed.

"Koyuki?" Her brows rose. The name rang a bell as she recalled the night Akaza woke up from a nightmare.

He mumbled a name that night, and she was very sure that it was 'Koyuki'.

" Yes, his fiance, but I cannot recall his name. He just disappeared afterward. "

She couldn't help but ponder, perhaps this was related to the visions that have been haunting him.

" You seem different (y/n). Perhaps you're in love?" Haru-chan waggled her brows and smiled.

Her query broke (y/n)'s thoughts as she smiled shyly, " W- well I guess so."

"I knew it! You should invite him over to lunch too!" Haru-chan exclaimed excitedly. (y/n) only replied with a smile, of course, she couldn't bring over her man-eating boyfriend.

The sky deepened into shades of blue and purple, the sun was setting and she decided to head home. She was in the kitchen wen Akaza approached her from behind, hugging her from behind as he rest his head on the nape of her neck.

" You smell amazing, " he brushed his lips against her skin. (y/n) squirmed at the effect and turn toward him.

" Well for a Marechi like me, I'm a full course meal," she replied and planted a kiss on his lips.

Akaza started to nibble on her neck, they were both heated up by the kiss. However, the kiss broke as (y/n) managed to free herself from his embrace. "Nuh-uh! I'm starving, just let me eat."

(y/n) grabbed the bowl of udon and walked past him. Akaza let out a sigh as he stared at his growing bulge, " Rude."

He joined her in the living room. Watching this mere human go about her day was his favourite thing, she was full of life, and he loved her.

"I know you don't eat human food, but you should try this." she said and feed him a spoonful of udon.

Akaza hummed as the flavors hit his taste buds, foreign flavors that he hasn't had for decades. He grab the spoon from her hand for a second bite.

(Y/n) chuckled at his actions, sometimes she can't help but ponder about his past life, what would it feel like to be with his human form.

"Have you ever considered becoming a demon (y/n)?" his sudden query broke her thoughts.

" A demon? " her eyebrows furrowed. " No Akaza. I can't become the very thing that killed my parents."

He stared blankly at her, feeling slightly dejected by her answer. (y/n) noticed his expression and asked," I didn't mean to crush your dreams Akaza. I hope you un-"

" Ahh no! It's fine. I understand," he forced a smile and scratched the back of his head.

He scooted closer to her stiff figure and planted a kiss on her forehead, "You're finished? It's my turn to eat."

He gave her a subtle wink and lift her up, walking toward the bedroom. She was pinned down on the bed as he slowly makes his way down between her legs.

(y/n) squirmed at his touch, sending waves of sensations. She felt high from his teasing, begging for more. "J- just do it already!"

"Someone's impatient," he teased and swirled his tongue more around her clit.

She arched her back and moaned loudly. Akaza knew she was near to her orgasm and then stopped.

"D- don't stop halfway!" she whined.

Akaza licked his lips and crawled onto her, " You better not come yet, it's your fault for making me wait."


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