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Days passed and he still didn't leave her sight. Protecting this mere human has become a commitment, even though it means his life is on the line. Her near-death incident exposed her to the Upper Ranks, she became a target.

(y/n) had recovered her energy, and the bruises on her neck seemed to have faded. She began her journey back to the corps a few days ago without him.

The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground as she walked deeper into the woods. The night came fast with dark clouds hiding the moon, threatening to rain soon.

There was a muffled sound in the bushes. (y/n) was in her stance, preparing for whatever was coming toward her.

Akaza jumped out behind the trees causing her to swing the sword directly at him. Blood was dripping down the blade as he blocked the sword with his arms.

Her eyes darted and immediately threw the sword to the ground.

" I'm s- sorry! I- I didn't mean it!" she stuttered and examined his arm worriedly.

"Nice swing!" The wound closed instantly as he held her hand in his, "It's just a cut (y/n)."

He chuckled, and his gaze then landed on the Kanzashi that was in her hair. The corner of his lips curled up slowly, "You still have this?"

"Of course. It's the only thing that makes me feel close to you," she mumbled.

The dark clouds disappeared, revealing the bright moon and sky full of stars. The scent of Wisteria flowers can be smelled from a distance, they were close to the Corps.

"Akaza, have you ever been close to other humans besides me?" she queried.

He squinted his eyes and rubbed his chin, in an attempt to think of something, "Hmm well, I don't quite remember. It's been decades."

"D- Decades?" she blurted.


"How how- o- old are you?"

"300 something I guess? I lost count."

Her eyes widened at his reply, trying to process it in her mind. "I- I didn't know I was dating an old man." 

The words that slipped out from her mouth made him burst into laughter.

" Well, this old man manage to make you curl your toes," he chortle at his own pun as a smirk appeared on his face.

(y/n)'s body warmed up at his reply, quickly shifted her gaze, pacing the ground. Akaza noticed her embarrassed face and pulled her into his embrace. "I've encountered many other humans too (y/n), but you're the only one that I've gotten this close to."

"You have something they don't have."

She looked up and smiled, "Well, I had the guts to date a member of the Twelve Kizuki."

They dissolved into laughter and continued the journey. Finally, they arrived at the border. (y/n) understood that it is harmful to him and decided to stop a distance away.

"Well I guess this is goodbye."

"Promise me you'll protect yourself whenever I'm not around?"

When he spoke, it sounded like his voice was made of gravel. His clear tone was undercut with a choking heaviness that forced him to pause several times.

He plastered a weak smile and she could sense something was wrong.

"What is it Akaza?" she asked.

He hesitated at first but eventually told her, "There's a battle coming soon (y/n)."

" What? How soon?" she tensed up at his confession.

" I'm not allowed to disclose anything else (y/n), I'm sorry," he stated.

Ruffled sounds were heard coming from the garden, someone is approaching. Akaza knew that this is his cue to leave before they get caught, tightly gripping her hands, " Promise you'll be safe?"

"I promise," she nodded as a soft peck landed on her forehead. He then disappears into the woods.

"(y/n)-sama!" the voice of the Kakushi broke her thoughts.

"Eh? I- I thought I saw someone with you?"

"Ah no! It's just me," she tittered.

She followed the Kakushi from behind, looking back once again. This time it was really a goodbye, they probably wouldn't see each other again. Unaware of what the future holds for them.

This battle she needed to prepare, the battle to banish the Demon King.

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