〖夕暮れ | DUSK〗

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The wind chimes above the door tinkled. Hakuji walked out from the back to greet customers like always.

"Welcome-" he paused at the figure standing by the counter.

"Hi! It's nice to see you again," (y/n) gave him a smile and waved.

"Are you stalking me?" He smirked." What would you like?"

She rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Oh please! I just happen to see you at the counter and wanted to say hello. An Iced Latte please."

"Alright, I'll serve your drink in just a minute." he winked at her and entered the order into the computer.

She pulled out some cash from her purse to pay for the drink but he resisted, it was his treat he said.

(y/n) then took a seat at one of the tables, admiring the aesthetic interior of the cafe. Hakuji gave her the iced latte and took the seat opposite her.

"How was your project?"

She pulled out her phone from the bag and showed an email to him, "They absolutely love it and decided to showcase my work at one of the exhibitions this weekend!"

Hakuji's eyes darted with excitement, "Oh my God congratulations! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you! Umm so- I was wondering if if you're free tonight?" she asked.

He cocked his head to the side and massaged his chin, "I don't think I have plans today. What about it?"

"There's a festival tonight, I thought you might want to tag along," She told and took a sip of the Iced Latte.

"My shift ends in 2 hours, I'll pick you up by 7 pm then..." Hakuji insisted.


The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky, Hakuji's shift had ended a few hours ago and he got ready for the festival.
Since it was a traditional festival, he wore a grey yukata.

The doorbell rang and (y/n) hurriedly ran to answer the door. She donned a flower-printed pastel blue Kimono with her hair up in a small bun.

"You look gorgeous," Hakuji commented, as a warm glow rises upon her cheeks.

"T-thank you," she replied and closed the door.

They took the subway to Shibuya, the festival was held at Yoyogi Park which was just 30 minutes away. They arrived on time and decided to have dinner at a nearby local restaurant.

"Wait, before you go in," she pulled on the sleeves of his yukata, making him stop.

He raised a brow at her, "What?"

"You shouldn't stare at the owner's wife," (y/n) stated.

"Pfft, why would I?" Hakuji chuckled and entered the restaurant with her following from behind.

"(Y/n)-chan! I haven't seen you awhile!" Akane exclaimed.

" Ahh I'm sorry Akane-san! I was busy with my finals," she apologized, scratchingthe back of her head.

Akane replied to her with a smile, " It's fine, What would you like?"

"I'll have the usual please. What about you Hakuji?"

Hakuji didn't respond, he just stood still beside her with his mouth slightly hung open. (Y/n) noticed his actions and jabbed him in the ribs causing him to jolt.

"I- I'll have what she's having," he replied.

"Sure thing! Your food will be served soon!" Akane replied and left the counter.

They both found a table beside a window with a view of the park. The fireworks will begin in 2 hours and the park was already crowded.

"I specifically told you not to stare!" (y/n) sneered at him.

Hakuji chuckled and teased her, " I can't help it tho, it's literally-"

Both Hakuji and (y/n) were startled by the sudden presence of Akane's husband. He placed their food roughly on the table and gave Hakuji a death glare.

"I feel like he might kill me in my sleep."

The both of them dissolved into laughter and dig into their food. Then they decided to head to the park, check out some stalls selling traditional Jaoanese foods, clothing and accessories. (Y/n) went to one of the stalls that sell Dango, while Hakuji just tagged along.

Something caught his eye while he stopped in front of a stall that sells accessories. Among the many accessories displayed on the table, he picked up the Snowflake Kanzanshi and examined it.

"Nice choice, this one is rare," The old lady commented.

Hakuji shook his head and placed it back on the table, "Ohh umm- I- I'm just looking at it."

"They say this Kanzashi belongs to a girl back in the Taisho era," she continued.

He swore he'd seen it before somewhere, but he couldn't recall anything. He took out some cash from his pocket and gave it to the old lady, "I'll take it."

He caught up with (y/n) and they went to look for a spot to watch the fireworks. They found a spot near the pond, a bit further from the crowds.

(Y/n) was annoyed with her hair, keep getting stuck on the Dango as she was trying to eat it. Hakuji noticed her annoyed expression and pulled out the Kanzashi from his pocket.

" Hey, turn around. " he said, pulling up the sleeves of his Yukata, signaling her to turn.

(y/n) reacted accordingly, her body froze for a while as he begin to put her hair up in a half bun. Her forehead creased, as she had flashbacks of memories that she felt familiar.

"I used to do my sister's hair. She likes her hair in a bun," he said.

"(y/n)? Is something wrong?" he asked worriedly as she stayed stiff.

She finally blinked and replied, " Ahh I- I'm sorry! I just had a Deja Vu moment."

A loud boom suddenly caught both of them off guard. They both jolted at the same time and laughed at each other. (y/n) was mesmerized by the sight while Hakuji's gaze was glued on her.

Not only the sight but the breeze that night felt somewhat familiar to them.

"You kept your promise."

"Hakuji," she smiled and turned to him.

The words involuntarily escaped her mouth, as if she knew what she was saying. Suddenly everything begins to make sense, the blurry vision, the unknown memories, and the person.

They scooted closer to each other as a wave of memories began to cloud their mind. This affection they had longed for, the love that they'd lost in the past.

"It was my promise to find you in the next life (y/n)," he replied, the corner of his lips curled into a smile.

Redeeming what they've lost, reunited once again in this life.

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