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Modern Tokyo

"You should go see a therapist, it's freaking me out," Benji stressed, munching on his burger.

"I'm not kidding you! Come on guys?" Hakuji replied.

"I'm going with Benji's advice. Maybe she's your ex Hakuji?" Kento added.

Hakuji sighed and face-palmed his face, he was frustrated with these memories that he never had in his lifetime. It was like a curse, haunting his everyday life.

"And how would I not know if she was my ex? I even know her name!" he sipped his soda and sighed.


Both Benji and Kento exchanged looks with each other. This name they heard felt familiar.

"What? You guys know her?" Hakuji narrowed his eyes toward both of them.

Kento shrugged his shoulders slightly, "Of course no but–"

"It rings a bell," Benji cut him short, rubbing his chin. "Nah probably some kind of movie you watched."

Hakuji rolled his eyes at them, explaining it to anyone wasn't a solution. He was determined to find out about this girl.

"Hakuji, do you perhaps believe in reincarnation?"

"You mean we both met in the past and got reincarnated? Oh come on you're the one watching too much shows," Hakuji scoffed at his reply, bursting into laughter.

Kento shoved his phone in his face, it was an article about the Taisho Era. The title caught his eye, "The Legendary Demon Slayers".

The three of them were caught up in the article and Hakuji's phone finally rang, startling the three of them. He abruptly got up and slammed the table, causing Benji to fall from his chair.

"I'm late for my shift! See ya!" he shouted and left his confused friends.

Hakuji inwardly cursed himself for being late for work. He ran as fast as he could and stopped at the traffic light, he squeezes through the crowd trying to reach the front.

The blazing midday sun bathed the buildings, sweat was dripping down his face. As he was wiping of the sweat from his sweat, something opposite the street caught his eye.

That girl isn't she?
It was her, (Y/n).

The lights turned green and everybody started to cross. Hakuji couldn't stop looking at her, and their eyes met as they walked past each other.

He could already tell that it was her just by looking at her eyes. The next few days, he keeps finding himself going back to the same place, hoping to bump into her again. Unfortunately, that was probably the last time they met.

"Did you ask for her number?" Benji asked.

"What? No! I'm not a weirdo like you!" he grumbled. He felt disappointed, he should've talked to her at least.

But everything happened so fast, he didn't have the time to think about how to react. Besides, it would be completely odd to encounter her suddenly.

"Nah you're just jealous of me! Girls fall for me at the first meeting. Who doesn't like a blond-haired guy like me?" Benji nagged and flipped his hair.

"We don't." both Kento and Hakuji replied in unison.

"Rude," Benji pouted.

The three of them burst into laughter, however Hakuji doesn't feel the same way inside. He was still having a slight ray of hope that they'll meet again.

He needed answers to his questions.

The night shift at the cafe in Harajuku had ended, and there weren't many customers today. He was preparing to close the cafe and went outside to stack up the chairs. Until a muscular figure bumped into him, resulting both of them on the ground.

"Watch where you're going freak!" the man yelled and ran.

Hakuji was about to curse back at him and saw another figure chasing from behind. His eyes widened, it was her. She was panting so hard because of the running.

"P- please I- I need my bag back" she panted.

Without hesitation, he got up and chased after the man. Luckily he haven't gotten far, he managed to catch up to him.

"Hey! Stop!" He shouted and pulled on the the strap of the beg.

"Don't get in my way!" the man yelled and punched his face.

He grabbed his shirt and gave the man a few punches in the abdomen. The man eventually let go of the bag and ran away.

The cemale approached him and gasped, "Oh you're bleeding!"

"Ahh it's okay! It's just a–" he looked up and froze.

He couldn't believe his eyes, the female standing in front of him was actually her.

"Let's go to my apartment, I'll treat your wound..." she insisted, grabbing his arm and putting it over her shoulder, helping him to walk.

"You shouldn't bring strangers to your home," he began.

The door unlocked and she hurriedly cleared the boxes on the couch for him to sit. His eyes scanned her small apartment, there were several paintings and canvas.

"It's okay I trust you," she responded and opened the fridge, grabbing a pack of ice. "Sorry it's a mess, I just moved in here."

"It's fine," Hakuji replied giving her a smile. His eyes trailed her figure until she joined him on the couch.

He flinched slightly as she pressed the wound with the ice pack. She grabbed the first-aid kit and began to treat his wound.

"Ughh it's bruising. Maybe we should got to the hospital," she said with a worried expression.

"I'm sorry I involved you in this-"

Hakuji grabbed her hand and lowered it down, making her jolt slightly, "It's fine really. I'm Hakuji by the way."

"I'm (y/n)." she smiled.

The feeling of her touch, her voice, everything felt familiar to him. Realizing that he was gawking at her, he shook his head to brush off the thoughts.

"You're an artist?" he asked, pointing at a painting.

"Hmm? Oh yes," she answered shyly and got up, heading to the kitchen. " I'm a final-year art student, so technically I am."

He got up from the couch and examine a few of her paintings. Then there was one that caught his attention, it was a painting of a female and a male with fireworks in the background.

"Fireworks.." he uttered.

"My final project. Wish me luck." (y/n) mentioned, picking up the painting and placing it on the easel stand.

"What's it called?"

"A forbidden love," she replied.

His eyes widened, starting to have flashbacks of scenes that he had never been to. He felt his forehead pulsating and decided to leave.

"I should go, I'll see you around." he concluded.

" Thanks again, Hakuji," she replied to him with a smile.

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