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The last ray of sun skimmed through the surface with a thin layer of clouds masking the moon. Another tiring journey back to her house, the door creaked as she pushed it, feeling the loneliness crushing in.

Her eyes scanned through the living room, searching for something. Her eyes lit up as she found it, the Snowflake Kanzashi that Akaza gave her.

The only thing remained that made her feel somewhat close to him, at least.

" My my~ What a coincidence!" an unfamiliar voice spoke as the door closes behind her.

The voice sent chills down her spine, this intense aura was no human, it was a demon. She was in her stance, but before she could wield the sword, she was abruptly pinned against the wall.

Her body went stiff at the presence of the tall male with blonde hair. " Upper Two " she uttered as her gaze fixed on the male's rainbow eyes.

" Hmm~ No wonder Akaza-dono fell head over heels for you.. You're indeed mesmerizing,  " he licked his lips as his eyes examine every little feature of her.

She forced herself to wield the sword and pointed it at him,"What do you want!"

The demon gripped the blade of the sword, letting it pierce his hand as the blood dripped to the floor, " Nice Katana~ Nichirin Blade, isn't it?"

A sinister smile hung on his mouth as he forcefully grabbed the sword, pressing it against her neck. "Now let's not be rude to our guests, shall we? I'm Douma by the way."

She tried to push back but there was no way she could compare to his immense physical strength. Whilst fighting back isn't an option, escaping would be even worse.

She felt a stinging sensation as the blade slowly sink into her skin. In desperation, she pulled out the Kanzashi from her hair and poked his eye. Douma finally released the sword and it fell to the floor.

" Do you perhaps want my other eye as a souvenir?" he smirked, pulling the Kanzashi out from his eye and gouging the other one out.

(y/n) looked away in disgust, taking a few steps back, and stopped as her back met the wall again.

"Wh- What do you want ? " she mumbled.

" You joined them to revenge him, isn't it? Oh, you poor thing ~ " Douma said and fanned himself with his golden fan.

" No! You're wrong! " she denied.

He chuckle, approaching her once again, "You almost got him killed didn't you know?

Her eyes widened at his statement. She flinched as she felt his hand cupping her cheek," Oh don't worry my dear! That's why I'm here~ "

" I'm offering you an Eternal Paradise."

He gripped and curled his fingers tightly around her throat as he slowly lift her from the ground. He sneered, " I promise you I'll be gentle okay? "

(y/n) was gasping intensely, digging her fingernails into his wrists as she kicked her legs in the air. Her mind grew hazy as the desperation to breathe overtook her.

The door flung open all of a sudden, and Akaza raged in kicking Douma's arm off. Douma was caught off guard by his sudden appearance.

(y/n) fell to the ground, her lungs hurt from the rapid breathing. She caught a glimpse of Akaza blocking Douma from her.

" Akaza-dono! I was expecting you~ " he exclaimed.

His face was contorted with rage as he clenched his fists, "Didn't I make it clear before? "

" Ahh, I'm sorry Akaza-dono! She's just intimidating ~ "

" Then you leave me no choice. " He released his punches continuously as Douma dodged every single one of them.

" You're putting your neck on the line Akaza-dono! " Douma reminded as he block Akaza's attacks with his fans.

(y/n) finally regained her breath, witnessing the fight between the two upper ranks. She had to stop them before it gets worse.

"Stop Akaza!" she yelled, grabbing his arm from behind.

" Stay back (y/n)! " He warned.

" Muzan-sama will certainly love both of your heads. " Douma chuckled as his gaze turned to her, drooling for her blood.

"I'll fucking kill you!"

" That's enough Akaza! Stop-" Akaza yanked his arm forcefully causing her to crash into the shelves.

" (y/n)! " He turned to her.

" You see Akaza-dono, you're just too strong to protect her. I'll spare you this time,"Douma said as he leaped through the door and disappeared.

He ran toward her, "(y/n) I'm s- sorry! I d- didn't mean it-"

"You should've just let him kill me! " she pushed him away.

" You should've just let him end this misery! I'm tired Akaza! I'm tired of pretending to be okay!"

Akaza froze and went speechless.

" You know what? Y- you were right! It was a mistake!" she sniffled between words as tears streamed down her face.

His heart shattered, he knew that she didn't mean it. She reacted this way because of him. He pulled her into a hug as she buries her face into his chest sobbing.

"I was aware of the consequences Akaza! I knew it all along b- but I ignored it! All I wanted was to belong to someone!" she whimpered, looking up at him.

Seeing her in this state broke his heart even more. He never wanted to hurt her, right from the start, all he wanted was to protect her. This mere human affected his life eminently.

He cupped her cheeks and wiped the tears," Me too (y/n). It's not our fault to love, the world is just cruel."

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