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The pale crescent moon shone in the night sky, and the cool night breeze whistled through the trees. (y/n) was sound asleep, exhausted from the training. Until the Kasugai Crows woke everyone up. It was an emergency meeting and all the slayers were called to attend.

Whilst she was on her way toward the meeting, she bumped into Tanjiro outside of the Butterfly Estate. His lower lip quivered, and his shoulders dropped in resignation.

"Tanjiro? What's wrong-"

"Tanjiro! You should be inside for treatment!" She was cut short by the insect Hashira.

The Kakushi came and carried him back to the estate. His expression was dull, she assume he was in pain because of the mission and left to join the meeting.

"I regret to inform you that the flame Hashira, Kyojuro sadly died in his mission." Kagaya announced.

"He died in the hands of Upper-Rank Three."

Her eyes darted, hearing the Upper Three uttered. Everyone else in the room gasped at the devastating news.

Two weeks had passed, she didn't attend the training or her meals, locking herself in the room. For a moment she stared at the Kanzashi in disbelief and then her eyes flared with renewed fury.

"You will be replacing Kyojuro's place." Kagaya's words still echoed in her thoughts. The death of her idol crumbled her hopes, she couldn't bear such heavy responsibility.

(y/n) sat by the pond for a period of time, hugging her knees and starting blankly at the sky, still trying to process the current events.

"There you are, "A voice broke her thoughts, she looked up and saw the water hashira standing in front of her.

"Tomioka-san," she mumbled weakly.

" Just Giyu. What are you doing here?" he asked and sat beside her.

(y/n) only replied to him with a weak smile.

"If you're worried about the training, we're all here to guide you (y/n)," He implied.

"Thanks, I appreciate it. It's just- everything is still new to me. I- I'm not ready," she whimpered. She has been wiping her eyes so much that they were red and swollen.

Giyu stared at her and lightly pat her back, trying to comfort her, "He was a good person. His death affected us all but I'm sure he wouldn't want to see you in this state."

"Cheer up, better days are coming."

His words did comfort her a bit, she then excused herself and went back to the Butterfly Estate. The next few months were hectic, training day and night with the Hashiras along with the trio.

She wouldn't describe them as a bundle of joy, instead, they're chaotic. Completing the Hashira Training was her huge success, finally became the next Flame Hashira.

"Emergency summon! Emergency summon! Attack on the Ubuyashiki Estate!" the crows shouted.

The sound of an explosion echoed through the woods as a thick cloud of smoke was seen from afar. The slayers were caught off guard and panickly ran to the Ubuyashiki Estate.

As they arrive, the fire was fierce, crackling through the remaining parts of the estate. There was no sign of life, except this one figure in the fire.

It was him, the demon king, Muzan Kibutsuji.

The Ubuyashiki family had implanted an explosive and blew themselves up to slow down the regeneration of the demon king.

"Muzan!!" Tanjiro yelled and rushed toward him.

The hashiras rushed in as well. Everyone was in their breathing style stance.

" Breath of flame second form : Rising scorching sun." (y/n) uttered and ran toward the demon king.

The ground they were standing on rumbled and turned into shoji, separating everyone into different sections. (y/n) ended up with Shinobu as they make their

The slayers were separated and (y/n) ended up pairing with Shinobu. The rooms change every few minutes, while they were running, (y/n) sensed a bloody smell from a room.

She slid open the shoji, revealing a gruesome sight.

"Hmm? What a pleasant surprise! We meet again!"

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