〖光| LIGHT〗

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" It was a mistake "

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" It was a mistake "

The words still echoed in her thoughts. The fantasy they had was somewhat just a daydream.
Enough to hold but not to keep.

Although this was the ending she expected, the memories left a long and lingering aftertaste.
Akaza had no longer returned to her ever since that night, she needed to adapt to his absence.

Looking at the bright side, life must go on. Months had passed since then, she tried to live her life as if nothing had happened. Until one morning, she was attended by an unexpected guest.

" Hmm? A Kasugai Crow? " she watched as the crow landed on her arm.

" (L/n) (y/n), here are your orders! Make your way towards the Corps Headquarters! " the crow yelled.

Her eyes lit up, knowing that this day would eventually come. She wanted to change to find a better version of herself, a new profound hope.

After a tiring 1 week's journey, she finally reached   The Wisteria Garden, which marks the border between Mount Fujikasane and the Slayer Corps. The view was breathtakingly enchanting.

Wisteria, a poison to the demons. Slowing their regeneration and blood demon arts, however, to fully take down an Upper Rank needs an immense amount of Wisteria.

She then was greeted by a Kakushi who guided her toward the Headquarters. It all came back to her, the memories of her late father and her younger self. She used to accompany her father to deliver Nichirin Swords to the Hashiras, the Ubayashiki family treated everyone well.

" Oyakata-sama, you've asked for me." she knelt before the man.

The man chuckled and smiled," There's no need to be formal (y/n). It's been years isn't it?"

His smile was as warm as the sun, and the tone of his voice was ethereal as if it could put anyone at ease.

Kagaya Ubayashiki, the head of the Demon Slayer Corps. The Ubayashiki family was a close acquaintance of her late father, they've known each other since young.

"Well, you've been very busy all these years," she replied.

He dedicated his entire youth to the corps, bearing such heavy responsibilities from a young age. The last time she saw him, he still had his sight, but now his world was nothing but pitch black.

Akane came in with a tray and sat beside him, during us some tea. Akane too dedicated her life to being his caretaker despite his terminal illness.

"My deepest condolences to your late family, they were wonderful people." Kagaya said.

"Thank you, I'm already used to it," she replied and sipped the tea.

"I'm very sure you know the purpose of coming here."

It was her late father's dying wish to have her become a Demon Slayer. Although it is risky, she needed to avenge her parent's death, and this was the only way.

"You will be trained by the Flame Hashira, Rengoku Kyojuro." The floorboard creaked as someone approached from behind. She turned to her left, seeing the flame Hashira standing proudly beside her. He had an immense aura within.

"It's my pleasure to train her Oyakata-sama" Kyojuro answered with a bright smile.

They were dismissed afterward and (y/n) followed him from behind. They entered another Minka, all of the Hashiras were looking at her. She felt her body tense up at the attention.

" You must be (y/n) right? Our family is growing! " The pink-haired female beamed and approached her. "I'm Kanroji Mitsuri, the Love Hashira!"

"I'm (y/n), I'll work-"

"Tch I smell failure." A male with a snake interrupted.

"I doubt she can succeed," another male added, the Wind Hashira.

"Aww be nice you two~ It's okay (y/n), we're all here to help you!" Mitsuri encouraged, gripping both of her hands.

She had a warm welcome from everyone, except for the other two. She stayed at the Butterfly Estate with the Insect Hashira. Shinobu insisted that she'd be under her care during the training.

The training felt like torture, never had she thought breathing was hard. However, she endured the pain, the outcome will surely benefit her. She trained alongside the trio, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke.

"Ugh! I didn't know breathing is so hard- " she sighed and sat on the ground.

The sunset casted shadows of tangerine and red among the trees as the breeze hummed in quiet harmony.

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, as long as you're consistent," Kyojuro advised, pulling her up from the ground.

"I promise I'll train harder!"

Rengoku chuckled and patted her head, "The sun is setting, that's it for today."

She had dinner with the others and decided to rest early. The trio and all these training have been occupying her life lately, so she decided to take a few days off to go home and pack the remaining belongings.

"Do you need some help? I'll assign those three to accompany you." Shinobu consented.

" It's fine– I'll manage ... " (y/n) replied with a smile.

As she was on her way to the gate, she stumbled upon Rengoku, "Rengoku-san!"

Kyojuro stopped walking and turned to her.

"A new mission is it?" she asked.

"Yes it is, people are disappearing at the train station. I must go and investigate," he replied.

He was her idol, she wanted to follow in his footsteps to become stronger. She bowed at him and smiled, "Please be safe Rengoku-san!"

Little did she know, that might be their last conversation very.

Little did she know, that might be their last conversation very

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