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People were starting to gather at the nearby shrine, waiting for the fireworks show

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People were starting to gather at the nearby shrine, waiting for the fireworks show. As for Akaza, this would've been a full-course meal for him, but he chose to stay with this woman beside him.

Skipping his duty for a night wouldn't be a problem, at least that's what he thought. The demon king is known as unsympathetic, every move his members make, he knows.

A loud boom and bright lights suddenly caught both of them off guard. (Y/n) jolted a little in surprise and Akaza steadied her body with his arm. She managed to keep her balance this time, not wanting to make a fool out of herself again.

The blurry images of the woman came through his thoughts again. He wasn't sure why it all felt strange to him. Not just the fireworks, but even the breeze that night felt somehow familiar.

Since the fireworks started, he hasn't been able to take his eyes off her. The image of the woman faded and his gaze was fixed on her. He was deeply mesmerized by the sight of this human in front of him.

He was in love with her.

As for (y/n), her eyes were glued to the fireworks shot above them. She would let out small laughter and soft claps as she was amazed by the sight. It should've been her parents and her, but all that was left were the memories.

Whilst her eyes were on the sky, she had this odd feeling. She noticed a slight movement out of the corner of her eyes, and she turned her head accordingly. The Upper-Rank demon was looking directly at her.

The flashy fireworks lightened his face as it was daytime showing a clearer vision of the " Upper Three " written in his pale yellow eyes.

She was stunned, her body went stiff, not knowing how to react. Akaza slowly scooted closer to her, their faces were just inches apart.

" I- I know this is wrong, but I just can't h- help it," he stuttered his words.

Before she could respond, her lips were already sealed with his. The sound and sight of the fireworks were forgotten as they both drowned in the kiss.

Apparently, the kiss broke as (y/n) gasped for air, she slightly backend a bit from him, and panted both needing air and overwhelmed by the kiss.

Akaza leaned back a bit to make space for her to breathe. His eyes were pacing her face, waiting for a response.

" I- I guess I feel the same way too... " she mumbled towards him as her cheeks turned red.

He smiled and pulled her closer, letting her head rest on his shoulder as they continued to enjoy the fireworks.

He smiled and pulled her closer, letting her head rest on his shoulder as they continued to enjoy the fireworks

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❈ 運命 | DESTINY ❈ 【AkazaXFem!Reader】Where stories live. Discover now