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A heavy silence fell upon the space as they sat beside each other. The only sound heard was the roaring in their heads, audible to no one but themselves.

" Why did you come back?" she began, breaking the silence.

"So no thank you for saving your ass?" he scoffed.

"Th- thank you-" she fiddled with her fingers.

"I came back because I had to (y/n). No matter how hard I try to stay away from you, I always find myself coming back to this very place," he sighed deeply.

"It's the memories."

She got up and walked toward the Kanzashi, picking it up from the floor, " You shouldn't risk your life for me again Akaza. I don't want to hurt you."

He quirked a brow and scoffed, " Life? Pfft I'm going to hell anyway."

Akaza stared at her frail figure through the reflection of the mirror, her neck was covered with bruise marks.

He approached her from behind, tucking strands of her hair to the side and gently touching the bruised marks," Does it hurt ?"

"Not that much," she sighed. " How am I supposed to go back looking like this?"

"You should rest for a few days. In the meantime, I'll be here just in case he comes back." he assured.

"You really shouldn't-"

"I insist, even though my neck is on the line," he forced a smile.

She lay on the bed and shut her eyes. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't fall asleep as he stared at her from the corner.

"You're freaking me out Akaza," she said and sat up from the bed.

"Watching you sleep is my hobby," he replied simply.

"Instead of sitting there you could join me here," she patted the space beside her.

Akaza chuckled and got up, joining her on the bed. (y/n) lay back in the bed, shutting her eyes again while Akaza gently stroked her head.

" You won't leave me again, don't you? "

The words were simple, yet it hurt. Their gazes met, and he could see the fear in her eyes.

"I won't."

He was caught off guard as she pulled him into a kiss, their lips met once again. She changed her position, climbing on top of him while their lips didn't part. The kiss was passionate at first, but they couldn't hold it back, they were craving each other's touches.

The kiss broke as (y/n) began to undress, sliding off the Yukata, revealing her exposed upper body. His eyes trailed from her body to her face.

" I guess Douma was right, you are irresistible. " He teased, sliding his pants off and untying her hair.

His lips mashed against hers. Their tongues batting back and forth, each trying to pin the other. She slowly lowered herself down onto his member, and he let out a loud grunt, feeling her entrance.

She proceeded to bounce up and down, riding him while he threw his head back by the pleasure.

"Ahh (y/n) you're driving me crazy!" he moaned and grabbed her thighs as he felt her quickening the pace. His lower lip quivered, he no longer can hold the urge.

(y/n) was surprise as Akaza lift her up, changing her position, resulting him on top of her. He shoved his member into her causing her to moan loudly.

"I'm taking the lead now," he uttered.

With one hand he held both of her writs up to her head, while the other hand held her thigh as he pound even harder into her.

(y/n) turned into a moaning mess, feeling his length going in and out of her, bodies pressed together heatedly. She was near and so is he, together they climaxed at the same time.

" It's sad isn't it? This love we have isn't ours to keep," (y/n) mumbled, covering their bodies with the blanket.

There was a tone of frustration in her words. However, there was nothing else she could do, humans and demons weren't meant to be together.

Akaza gave her a peck on the forehead, "At least we still have each other, despite everything forbidding us to be together."

"Yeah, let's just cherish this moment. It's a memory worth keeping," she smiled.

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