〖想い | DESIRE〗

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Dark clouds covered the once clear sky with rumbles of thunder

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Dark clouds covered the once clear sky with rumbles of thunder. The heavy clouds were ready to pour anytime soon.

It's the first time they felt awkward with each other. As usual, Akaza would walk her home, granting him a peace of mind.

" Is this even illegal? " She began, fidgeting with her fingers. She had to break the silence between them.

This sudden occurrence caught both of them by surprise. Their relationship consists the littlest insults, some days they're fine some days they're mocking each other.

"You know, I've never risked my life for anything like this," he replied with a smirk. "But would you want to be with someone like me?"

The last sentence left her speechless. She knew what the consequences were, but how much she had longed for affection all these years.

Even if it was a demon, she's grown attached to him.

"Well, I don't mind. Because you wouldn't harm me," she responded.

Akaza chuckled at her response, "I might sink my teeth in your neck while you're sleeping."

"Well, I have good reflexes."

The both of them dissolved into laughter. (y/n) can't help but blush as she felt his hand slide into hers. Soon the rain poured, and they both began to run to shelter themselves. They arrived at her place drenched from head to toe.

" I'll go change into something else- " (y/n) let out a sigh squeezing the water from her soaked Kimono.

Akaza hummed as a reply, his eyes following her frail figure as she entered the room.

" You should stay, " she said while taking a seat beside him.

" If you insist," he replied tugging strands of her hair to the side.

"Here, I'll dry your hair," Akaza reacted accordingly, adjusting himself in front of her.

Akaza grunted a few times as (y/n) rubbed his hair roughly, "Hey slow down! I'll lose my head!"

She ignored him and continued. He tossed the towel on the ground and gripped both of her wrists. He pulled her into a kiss, sealing their lips once again.

The kiss was passionate at first, but it soon turned rough and sloppy.

" I want you... " Akaza mumbled as his gaze dipped to her decolletage. The desire of wanting her drives him crazy.

He carried her bridal style to the room and laid her on the bed, while their lips were still attached. His hands gently slid off her clothes and revealed her bare skin. Admiring her beauty as he trailed kisses on her neck and caressed her breasts.

Her hands were in his hair as she let out soft whimpers, feeling his breath brushing her bare skin.

Akaza stood up and undressed, slowly crawling back on top of her. Revealing his hard member, the tip was swelling because of arousal.

"I want you." He was looking down at her with lustful eyes. He scanned her face, waiting for her approval.

"Yes," she mumbled.

He grabbed her thighs, slowly sliding his member in her. (y/n) let out a soft cry at the sensation between her legs. He slowed his pace, letting her adjust to his member.

"Please, do more," she said. The tone of her voice turned him on even more as he slammed his member roughly into her.

He groaned and threw his head back at the pleasure, quickening his pace and thrusting her even harder. (y/n) clenched on the sheets as she bit her bottom lip and moaned in pleasure.

" Ahh- Akaza!" a moan escaped her mouth, and she turned into a moaning mess.

She was near her limit, arching her back constantly as he hit her sweet spots continuously. She was drenched below, soaking in love juices by the throbbing of his length inside.

The sounds of them making love echoed through the space as they both drowned in ecstasy. With the current rainy weather and the dim environment, it was perfect for them.

Akaza was near his limit as well, quickening his pace even more as he felt the urge. He grunted as he came, triggering her orgasm a few moments after.

He rested his body on her bare chest, as she run her hand through his damp hair. Their lips curled into a smile.

Akaza covered their bodies with a blanket as they fell asleep from the sweet exhaustion.

Akaza covered their bodies with a blanket as they fell asleep from the sweet exhaustion

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