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Everything happened within the blink of an eye. Her body trembled in pain, her vision went blurry, and all she could hear is her heart beating.

"I'm doing you a favor Akaza, you wanted to be strong isn't it?" The upper one demon spoke, pulling his sword out from her body as she collapsed on the ground.

Akaza was in the state of shock, it felt like his feet were glued to the ground. All he could think of was saving her.

"Douma is dead, make sure you stay alive and fight me," Kokushibou concluded. The room rumbled and changed again as he disappeared.

"(Y/n)!" Akaza shouted, running towards her. He picked her weak body up which was smeared with blood.

She couldn't talk due to the excruciating pain, her mouth hung slightly open gasping for air. She was having visions, blurry images of a woman.


"Get your hands off her!"

The voice from behind caught him off guard as he manages to block the Katana, missing his neck. He grinned at the familiar face.

"Tanjiro! I've been waiting for you!"

"Get away from (Y/n)-sama!" Tanjiro snarled, trying to push his Katana towards his neck.

"I'm trying to save her you fool!" Akaza pushed him back.

Before he could activate his blood demon art, another attack came from above.

" Water breathing first form : Water surface slash" The Water Hashira slashed his arm off, missing his neck again.

The three of them fought continuously, as Akaza grew more furious. His was worried about (y/n), he would constantly glance at her lifeless body, trying to reach her.

"A-Akaza," (Y/n) spoke, her voice shaky because of the pain.

He heard her and ran toward her.

"Come back here-" Tanjiro growled but was stopped by Giyu.

"I need your consent! Give me your consent so I can save you!" he begged.

"Akaza please l- listen to me- " she was cut short by him.

"No! No! You need to become a demon-"

"K- Koyuki! Y- your fiance," she coughed in between words and cupped his cheek.

His eyes widened by the name, and memories from his past life came flooding in his mind. The incident that killed his fiancé and his father-in-law flashed back before his eyes.


The once blurry images became clearer and he looked up and saw a small figure. This time he recognizes, it was her, Koyuki.

"I'm glad you remembered all of us," she smiled.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he hugged her.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I couldn't save you!" He sobbed.

"It's okay Hakuji-san. You've done enough." She patted his head softly. "Welcome back my husband."

She disappeared and he was brought back to reality, revealing (y/n)'s lifeless body in his arms, he knew he needed to let her go.

"We knew this day would come right?" (Y/n) smiled weakly. The blood had stained her clothes as the bleeding became heavier, she could no longer maintain her breathing.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you," he broke down.

"P- promise will you? Find me in t- the next life."

"I promise, I will find you," he replied.

She smiled and took her last breath and eventually died in his arms. He placed her body on the ground and stood up, wiping his tears. It felt like time had stopped around him, he was frustrated.

His memories slowly recovered, remembers his true purpose in life. Every time he tries to protect someone, he ends up losing them again. And by that, he needed to become stronger in order to protect.

The upper two admits defeat, using his own techniques on himself, mutilating and pulverizing his body to bones. He didn't regenerate, slowly letting his body fall apart.

With a smile of gratitude, he turned into ashes and disappeared into the air.

Giyu and Tanjiro were both stunned by the sight, watching the demon commit suicide on himself was a rare occurrence. The room rumbled again turning sideways, realizing the battle wasn't over yet.

As they made their way to the demon King, the Kasugai Crow flew past them, announcing the death of the upper three demon and other slayers.

Following the death of the Upper one demon, all of the upper ranks were wiped out, making the demon King the last one standing. The remaining Corps members fought beside each other until sunrise.

And the thing that the demon King feared most eventually killed him, the first rays of sunrise.

Corpes of the Slayers were seen everywhere, the long battle was finally over, and victory is theirs. Humans can finally live without fear.

The Demon Slayer Corps was soon disbanded by the government, never will be forgotten, and remained a legend.

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