Lapis: Hatchlin is back with another dare! We all gotta attempt Nuzlockes but nowhere did it say what game. So because we can, we are all playing different games!! Here's how it's gonna work. Each of us are gonna try a different game, each game has different rules but they will be close to the original Nuzlocke rules. Also Hatchlin, too late to change the dare!
Here's what game everyone will play
Spark: Beat Saber
Lapis: Super Mario Odyssey
Solar: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Sunshine: Hat in Time
Alex: Breath Of The Wild
Diamond: Terraria Calamity Mod
Rose: Super Mario 3D World
Ella: Kirby And The Forgotten World
Pearl: Loomian Legacy (basically Roblox Pokemon)
Jake: Minecraft Dungeons
Lapis: Here at Super Shenanigans, we don't make up gameplay. The Autor is playing all these games and because it will take a while, each game with be a separate chapter. Ella is starting us off with Kirby so lets go with that!
P.O.V Ella
Rules: 1 copy ability per world, if I die with it, can't use it anymore. Die as normal Kirby, run is over. First copy ability of the world is what I get. Aloud to upgrade abilities and if I die in the treasure Roads, it doesn't count as a run over
Starting off the game in Wild mode with Kirby going for a walk and jumping on a warpstar. Oh no, the world is ending like every other Tuesday in Popstar. After strangely getting sucked up in a wormhole I end up on a beach and I am ready to start a new adventure. After eating a Blade Knight I unlocked my first ability, Sword and named it Link. After slashing through the monsters, I fall off the edge and eat a car. Witnessing my friends and a strange blue furry fairy sorta creature get trapped in cages from birds, I knew they needed pain for taking my friends. Quick victory dance and the fairy was saved.
"Thank you for saving me! There are some who call me, Tim! But my actual name is Elfilin. I don't even know anyone named Tim! But let's go save the Waddle Dees!"
After Bandanna Dee came over saying he can help, I declined the offer because I am a powerful pinky boi and continued on. Starting off on Downtown Grassland, I sadly realize I will probably not get ranger. Mega sad. Anyway, I unlocked cutter, named it Slash and moved on. Killing Wild edge I save a waddle dee and continue. A quick poke to the Tortuilding's back and I move on. Skipping to The Brawl at the Mall, I had to fight The Strong-Armed Beast, Gorimondo. With the help of Link we quickly gave the big boi a 3rd buttcheek and moved on with 6 more Waddle Dees saved. Quickly Upgrade Slash and I'm off to Everbay Coast.
Abandoned Beach gave me Bomb with the help of a Foley. After an easy bomb spam, Wild Bonkers is down and I accidently ruined the run by walking into the hammer... dang... well I guess that's run over.
Lapis: First Nuzlocke complete. Because it was a genuine accident and she only made it to the 2nd world, if the readers allow it, Ella can continue her run. Anyway, even though it might take a while to complete all the Nuzlockes, you can still give us dares or questions. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day and the next.
Super Shenanigans Ask and Dare
HumorIt's Truth or Dare, but the author can be asked questions!