57: Magic

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Lapis: Hi, hello, let's just do this

Diamond: What do I think of magic?

Lapis: Yes, that's what the script says

Diamond: It's ok. I've read some stories where it was utilized well, but no strong opinions

Rose: In movies, I like it! Real life as like card tricks are cool too!

Young Sunshine: No strong opinions. Honestly neutral

Actually, let's just go through everyone who has no strong thoughts. Young and teen Alex, Pearl, Jake, Cole, Katie, and Solar

Tyler: Magic is awesome!!

Teen Sunny: Hell NO!! Way too confusing, way too focused on 'the power within you' and the chosen one stereotype, I just hate it!!

Spark: Magic makes no sense. Sometimes it's using something inside of you, other times it's using nature, or some dead creature's spirit, it's just too much. Tech makes sense to me, I can utilize it, and it's realistic for this dimension so I use it

Ella: I kinda like it. I see it more as just a Wizard in bath robes, or evil witch, more fairy tale magic then Harry Potter magic

Mia: It's ok, if you like it, great, but I don't really enjoy magic. It can work, but I won't be going out of my way for stories with magic

Lapis: Well... I'm addicted to Owl House fan art and comics, so I think saying I don't like it would be hypocritical. But the thing is I don't like other magic! Only the kind in Owl House!! Maybe it's an exception, maybe I do like magic, I just don't know!!

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