Chapter 11

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Once Sean and Marius came out of A-Xiang's office they were met with that same damn fallen angel from before and boy the way he stared at them was infuriating.

So infuriating that Marius can't help but speak, "I know that we are handsome more handsome than even the angels, but please stop staring. You look like a creep."

The angel glared at them before he walked to them however this time Sean came before Marius and said, "we mean no harm but staring is quiet disrespectful fallen."

The fallen angel, however, seemed like he did not like Sean at all, "may know what work would an alpha have here?"

Sean smiled, " well what ever the work was it's already been done and I have nothing to say to you."

"Well I am a council member too and I think I should know."

"Well I am member too and my family has been a very important part of the coucil years."

"But you are never here."

"Because I have a huge pack to run." Sean said, "And also I help the council from outside, I don't really need to be here and I don't need to explain anything to you at all."

The two glared at each other before A-Xiang said, "What's going on here? Eros..."

Eros looked at her before he said, "I want to meet the boss."

A-Xiang sighed, "As I said he is not available right now he is investigating somethings... and they are very important."

"Just how important are those things? I just want to talk to him." Eros said.

A-xiang glared at him, "Eros! as I said once he is back I will arrange a meeting of your with him, besides Eros I told you to tell me the problem so that I can relay it to him but you are the one being stubborn if are going to be stubborn then wait."


"Leave Eros, it will be better for you to not piss Alpha Sean. Even he didn't get to meet him, then how can you so don't create trouble now."

She said and Eros finally left and once he was gone A-Xiang turned around and said, "I am sorry for that. He has been like this for sometime."

Sean and Marius nodded as they left and A-Xiang walked with them, "I will walk you out, actually no one other than me has seen the boss he barely makes an appearence in public or even here in the council only higher ups know him even you would have known but you rarely attend the council events."

Sean nodded, "I understand."

And Marius asked, "if you have no problem then may I ask what is it that your boss is investigating."

A-Xiang nodded, "My boss is investigating a five hundred old case from Croia."

"Can you elaborate?" Marius asked.

A-Xiang spoke, "my boss has encountered some disturbances and problems as well, and he thinks that this is linked to a five hundered old case of two nymphs Inaya and Riena."

Marius spoke, "wait a minute the time in Croia and earth is different five hundred years over here means fifty years over there."

"Yes, apparently there was a divine lake back in Croia which was guarded by two trees, the lake was a demi-god and with it's water the two trees, grew up by it's side, and two nymphs were attached to them.

One was named Riena and the other was named as Inaya, Inaya and Riena lived a long life with the lake nymph until once day the lake nymphs time to ascend had came.

After she was gone Riena and Inaya started to cultivate as well so that they can ascend as well, however one day... because of some reason unknow Riena's core blackened while she was in a deep state of mind.

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