Chapter 14

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"All of you, be good and get back." A-Xiang as she smiled and summoned her weapon that was a sword, "or you will all be slain for ever trying to act without the permission of the council."

They did step back however a witch spoke, "we... we were only following Eros's orders, since he told us to arrest alpha Sean and also because he had evidence."

A-Xiang sighed, "Master was already here as you can see, if he was already here then why would he ask Eros to take care of Alpha Sean when he himself was sufficient, my master did not take because there was a reason for that.

And Eros also didn't show you all official permit right?" the council warriors gritted their teeth as they looked down and Eros gulped.

'You said that if I follow you then I will get my redemption fast, that I won't be fallen anymore!'

'I am sorry Eros but I had no idea that things will turn out like this'

'You have to do something help me.'

'I am sorry there is nothing I can do to help you, you are already outed and everyone know that you are the culprit.'

'I will expose you then!' 

Eros only heard a laughter in his mind and the voice said, 'oh poor you, when you made the contract with me you gave the power to control you!.

"WHAT NO!" Eros suddenly and everyone looked at him as he clutched and fell to the ground and screamed, black liquid flew from his eyes and mouth as the other watched with confusion.

A-Xiang raised her sword, "he is done for."

She said as she jumped towards the fallen in order to kill him however Eros dodged her attack and instead used his power to summon a black ball of energy in his hand that he threw towards Yibo who easily fought against it and then he used the spirits to send towards Yibo and Ziyi and A-Xiang attacked him again but he jumped in air and once again summoned a black dagger in his hand.

And aimed it Ziyi the others moved closer to her and no one paid attention to Sean, who was also not on his guard as he thought that Ziyi was Eros's target hwoever that was proven wrong when the fallen suddenly turned towards Sean and then with the speed of light went to him aiming at his heart.

However Sean barely dodged  it protecting his heart but his shoulder was stabbed by the dagger.

"Sean!" Yibo yelled and A-Xiang finally swung her sword and beaheaed Eros.

While Zhan clutched his shoulder and coughed blood before he fell to the ground, excruciating pain shot up in his body that made his forehead sweat and his eyes nearly watered.

What is this? Why was feeling so much pain just from a stab wound? 

His body felt weak and his ehad felt heavy while he legs felt weak as he sat on the ground.

Yubo rushed to him and supported him and the other pack warriors ran to him as well.



"I am fine." Zhan barely spoke as he grabbed the dagger and closed his eyes took a deep breathe hwoever his hands shook so badly that Yibo grabbed it.

Zhan looked at him and their eyes locked once again as Yibo who had his one arm around Zhan's shoulded and the other hand held the dagger, "let me." Zhan stared at him for sometime before he slowly nodded and Yibo pulled the dagger.

Zhan groaned with pain as the blood splattered on the ground, Yibo then put Zhan's hand around his neck and held his waist, "lets take you to the infirmary." he said and Marius guided him to where the infiramry was.

Marius laid Ziyi on the bed and Yibo helped Zhan sat on the bed, Simon came over there as well, he looked fine, he had heard everything that had occured and looked at Yibo.

"So you are a guardian huh?" Simon asked and Yibo nidded before he looked at Ziyi who was unconcious, "what about her?"

Yibo sighed, "Witch."

"But I can't sense any magic."

"She has no magic."

Simon raised his eyebrow when the realization dawned upon him witches without magic  are as good as a human.

A-Xiang spoke as well, "Eros is dead and those who were with him have be captured."

Yibo nodded.

The fallen angels either go to Croia or to earth and work with the council to atone for thier sins so that they can go back to wehre they came from.

However when a fallen angel falls more and more into deprativity and let the evil consume him his sould gets corrupted and the only thing that can save his soul is death and entering into the cycle of birth and death.

Yibo took of Zhan's shirt to examine the wound and Simon also looked at him as well.

Marius then asked him, "are you okay now?"

Simon nodded, "I have sealed my powers for sometime I won't be able to use magic for sometime and I think I might have to enter seclusion and for that going to Croia would be much better since the spiriutal energy over there is also abundant."

Zhan slowly laid on the bed and Yibo held his hand,  as Zhan said, "I will be fine... I will heal, I just need a little rest."

Simon looked at him and examined the wound before he said, "I can't tell anything right now since I can't examined him due ot my lack of magic, but let's just hope that he heals quickly."

Simon then looked at Ziyi, "and Marius." Marius and the others looked at him as Simon conitnued, "I know that she is your mate I know how much a mate means to you but she is dangerous had it been a human they would have been dead if she had touched them.

I don't know what's wrong with her but you must not maintain skin contact with her for too long. She can suck your life force or worse she might kill your wolf counter part."

Marius nodded, "I understand, I will be careful."

"Good." Simon said as he sat down as well.

The long fight was finally over however he knew that many events were still left to unfold.

Author's note: holy shit!

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